Between digital nomads and home office workers, working from home has become a norm.

Whether your job has always been remote, or it is new for you, there are some difficult parts about being your won boss, and only live coworker. Staying productive and feeling like part of a team can be challenging without anyone around to keep you motivated and on task.

Living at home, also makes it difficult to disconnect before and after. It is essential to stick to your working hours and vigilantly set boundaries about logging off completely. Being able to get all of the work done that you need to do during working hours faces a different challenge due to home life distractions.

Start off by creating a workspace to separate yourself from home life

Create A Comfortable And Separate Work Space

Working in the office is a perk for the space provided to you that allows you to be productive, easily collaborate and generally comfortable. Most folks who have transitioned or started working from home deal with finding the right space.

Designate a corner or room of the house for work only. Set up the proper equipment such as a desk, chair, and a place to keep organized and work-related objects. On the walls put places for notes, be able to see your calendar, but make sure to keep the area free of non-work-related distractions.

Most importantly, invest in ergonomic furniture. Get a good chair that will support your back while working. Another great ergonomic piece is desks that can go from sitting to standing.

If it isn't accessible for you to buy new furniture right now, there are special stands for laptops that allow you to work standing up. There are also ergonomic footrests for helping with posture, or back weights. Find what works best for your body while working.

Working from home should be about being comfortable, and also productive. Having a separate space will allow you to separate work and home life. Entering that space can be the first part of your work routine.

Related: 10 Best Tips To Organize Your Home And Keep It That Way

Have A Routine To Begin And Finish Work

It is tempting to roll out of bed at 8:25 for an 8:30 meeting, dressed from the waist up and with a cup of coffee in hand. Although, it isn't the best practice for preparing yourself to focus, be productive and "leave" home.

Even though it is hard, try to make a before and after work routine. Get ready for the day as if you were heading to the office. Take a shower, have breakfast, read the newspaper, whatever helps you prepare for the day. Before you enter your workspace, mentally prepare yourself. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before starting the workday to feel "on."

The same goes for ending your workday. Act as if you are leaving the office, let your colleagues know you are logging off for the day, close the computer and prepare yourself to be disconnected from work. Maybe take a walk or go to the supermarket, something that will get you to stop thinking about work and be ready to be present at home again. Having a hobby or evening activity is another great way to disconnect.

Related: 10 Ways To Unplug And Disconnect From Technology

Be Your Own Boss

Working from home is kind of like working alone, but on the bright side, it is also like being your own boss. You must police your productivity and schedule.

In addition to before and after work routines, for getting in the right mindset, you should have a consistent work rhythm. Maybe that means designating a certain time for tasks, communicating, and working around meetings. A great rule of thumb for general life organization is 135, 1 big task, 3 medium tasks and 5 small tasks.

Be aware of your productive times, everyone has a different rhythm, although the famous slump times tend to be first thing in the morning and after lunch. Be mindful of the times you feel most productive, or not, and plan important tasks around your peak hours.

Learn to ignore distractions, you have entered your work zone and you have to respect that you are no longer in the home zone. Of course, this can be very challenging if you have children at home. To remedy these moments, find self-motivation to work productively. If you know a distraction always arises, you can prepare for that by setting your work rhythm accordingly.

With all of the motivation and concentration talk aside, it is important to pace yourself. Remote employees can feel burnout faster without a team around to support them. As always, take care of your needs so that you can be a productive worker.

Next: 10 Tips to Increase Your Productivity When Working From Home

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