Flexibility is an area of fitness that makes a lot of people feel embarrassed. Most sports are about strength, endurance, even speed, but flexibility is extremely underrated.

It shouldn't be! Medical professionals alike say that stretching daily is important for physical and mental health. According to Harvard Health, stretching is essential for protecting mobility as we get older.

No matter your age or fitness ability, stretching is important for preventing loss of mobility and better quality of life with age. When older folks lose their mobility, they lose independence. People run for cardiovascular benefits, stretching is taking care of the body's joints.

There is a common myth that it is only important to stretch before and after a workout. Researchers at South Dakota State University found there are many health benefits to stretching in the morning and at night to relieve muscle tension, promote better sleep and decrease stress. Stretching isn't just for dancers and yogis. As we age, we lose our flexibility.

We Lose Flexibility With Age

As our bodies age, they lose flexibility. With the absence of stretching, the muscles become shorter over time, according to Harvard Health, leading to reduced mobility. Additionally, shorter muscles are a risk factor for muscle and joint damage and pain, says Harvard.

For young people, it may not seem like a problem now but think of stretching as prevention for your future mobility. Older folks may see signs of decreased mobility when they struggle to go upstairs or reach their feet.

Many young people also can't reach their toes! All the more reason to get started today. Stretching over time makes our muscles longer, like a rubber band, is how Harvard Health compares it. Making our muscles more elastic, increases mobility and prevents future inhibition.

If you are an athlete, stretching will only increase your performance. Although there are many health benefits of stretching that aren't related to flexibility.

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Physical And Mental Health Benefits Of Stretching

As mentioned above, researchers have found that stretching in the morning and at night have physical and mental health benefits other than increased flexibility.

Muscle tension and back pain are major complaints that patients have with aging. Muscle tension caused by stress has many negative effects on the body which can cause damage with time. By stretching often, muscle tension and back pain can be reduced, say researchers at South Dakota State Univeristy.

Experts say that stretching in the morning relieves muscle tension from sleeping, and getting the blood flowing prepares the body for the day. A different study found that serotonin released from activating the body with stretching boosts mood. Incorporating stretching into your routine is a good way to improve mood regardless of if you struggle with depression or anxiety.

For those who do struggle with anxiety, a major symptom is muscle tension. Therefore, stretching is a simple self-care tool to combat both the physical and mental symptoms of anxiety.

On the other hand, stretching at night provides unique physical health benefits. People who work or study at desks all day will experience increased muscle tension over time. Stretching at night relieves that tension from the day, reported researchers at South Dakota State University.

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Tips For Incorporating Stretching Into Your Routine

It is never too late to increase flexibility, but it is important to do it safely and with intention. Here are some tips to learn about stretching for your body and incorporate it into your routine.

  • For beginners, try incorporating stretching into your routine for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week. Persistence is key for seeing results. Over time, work it in daily.
  • For those who are not so new to stretching, try it every day for a week and see if your body feels different. Then continue working it into your routine in the morning and at night.
  • Incorporate static and dynamic stretches. Static stretches focus on one muscle group at a time, whereas dynamic stretches use different muscle groups through small movements and increase joint motion, say researchers at South Dakota State University.
  • To get started on your stretching routine, look for an online video. There are hundreds of stretching routines to choose from, and the is no wrong point at which to start. Try out different videos to see what kind of stretches feel best for your body.
  • If you have pain or tension in a specific part of your body, search for stretching routines that target that area to incorporate into your routine.
  • Harvard Health recommends folks with less agility to warm their body up before stretching, this can be as simple as a 10-minute walk. This will prevent damage to cold frigid joints.

Stretching is an easy and accessible way to prevent muscle damage, decrease stress and improve quality of life today and in the future. It is worth spending 15 minutes a day to practice self-care and reap the rewards. Although it may feel awkward at first, stick with it! When you start to see results physically or mentally, it will pay off.

Next: 16 Stretches To Help You Chill Out 

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