From yoga retreats trending as viral solo trips to the yoga studio fashion that is hitting the streets with cute and comfy two-piece sets, it is safe to say that yoga is a cultural phenomenon and some might even add a lifestyle.

Many people feel like yoga isn't for them because it is too calm or not a good enough workout, but these folks are sadly mistaken. When done correctly, yoga can challenge and tone your body as well as help you practice mindfulness.

What is better than combining body movement and sport with healthy mental habits like focus, concentration and mindfulness?

If you haven't tried the yoga hype yet, here is what you have to know first.

What You Need For Yoga

Whether you will be attending an in-person yoga class or simply rolling out the mat in your home gym with an online instructor, there are some basics that you might want to have handy.

First, wear comfy workout clothes, many professionals prefer a two-piece spandex outfit such as leggings and a sports bra. You can wear a sports shirt, but keep in mind it might slip up when you do an inversion.

Other than the clothes, have a comfy yoga mat that will help you stay balanced and protect your knees and wrists when doing various poses. Remember that you don't need shoes or socks to do yoga on your mat, this is to help with balance.

Some folks may have an additional towel or blanket to cushion their knees or back if they have a previous injury, and many studios will also use blocks to modify several poses.

The third tool for yoga could be an open exercise band that you can fit around your foot for working on flexibility. As always, keep some water nearby to stay hydrated. 

Coordinate Your Movement & Breathe

You will hear the instructor ask you to coordinate your movement with your breath. What that means is when you move, you should either breathe in or out. For example, lift your arms up and breathe in, and release your arms at the pace at which you breathe out.

This is the central dogma of yoga, and step one to getting into the practice is understanding how to use your breath and movement. A useful example of why this is important is it can help you progress a move. If you are trying to touch your toes, you can use the breath to learn further with each exhale.

Get used to breathing while you move, it will feel good for your mental health as well and is the reason many people feel clear-headed after a yoga class.

Yoga Is A Great Way To Practice Mindfulness

As you move, you can practice mindfulness in many ways. When doing yoga, the best thing you can do is stay present in the moment and observe how your body and breathing feel together.

It takes concentration to do some poses and get the most out of them, which forces you to put your other thoughts away and stay present. Also, at the end of every yoga session, there are a few minutes dedicated to a meditation called Shavasana. During this time everyone lays flat on their back and practices being present with themselves and their bodies, with a focus on not thinking about what they have to do after the practice.

This is an active part of the practice that is dedicated to mindfulness, and helpful for practicing meditation in general. Plus after working out your body, laying down and taking that time to yourself feels great.

Related: Mindfulness Habits You Can Start Incorporating Today

Yoga Is Slimming & Toning

Don't let anyone tell you that yoga is easy, it is quite the opposite if you have given it a shot you already know. The moves are designed to elongate, stretch and tone your muscles. There are also many different kinds of yoga, some of which focus more on breathing work and connecting with yourself and other kinds that focus more on being active and working different muscle groups.

Entry-level yoga might seem easy to someone who has a lot of flexibility, if you can relate to that then go to an intermediate class or step things up with acro or aerial yoga. Add a yoga class a week to your workout routine and you will see a difference in your strength, flexibility and tone muscles over time.

Related: 10 Yoga Poses For Full Body Toning

It Takes Time To Get Good At Yoga

Just like any hobby or fitness activity, it takes time to get good at it and appreciate the skills that you gain. Stick with it to see a difference in your abilities and the added extras that come along with it that including mindfulness, focus, concentration and physical strength.

This is a hobby that combines fitness with healthy mindful habits, and you can get started as soon as today.

Next: Yoga Retreats, What Is The Hype?

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