Working out and fitness are both general terms, and they have different definitions depending on who you are talking to. As each person has an individual wellness and fitness goal, along with a preference for how they like to move their body, there is no right or wrong when it comes to getting exercise.

There are also a lot of terms out there like the difference between LISS and HIIT, doing low-impact moves or high-impact, and do you really need to do weight training? The short answer is that all forms of working out are valid and important for your health, the long answer is combining both cardio and some form of weight training is a great way to get stronger.

Follow this guide to better understand the benefits of cardio, and weight training, and how they can be used together to help you individualize your health goals. There is no right or wrong, it just depends on how you want to get the most out of your workout.

You Should Do Both

The reason that there is no right or wrong when it comes to doing cardio or weight training, is realistically they do different things for your body and health professionals recommend both in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

For example, everyone knows it is important to get your 10,000 steps in if you can, that is based on what medical professionals say about weekly cardio for adults. The average adult should be getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio per week in order to maintain a healthy heart.

Cardio is all about strengthening your heart and cardiovascular system, yes it burns calories, but more importantly, it can help you prevent chronic illness.

Weight training on the other hand helps you get stronger so that you can be strong in life. Functional weight training is super important because it can directly translate to helping you in life, such as proper lifting heavy items or bending over and preventing back injury.

How Often Should You Do Cardio & Weights?

You can do cardio and weights each day, and in the same workout session if you want to. As mentioned, you should try to do at least 150 minutes of low-impact cardio per week, which includes walking or light jogging. Weight training can be done a minimum of twice a week, and up to four as it is important to rest after doing the heavy lifting to allow for recovery and building muscle.

Remember that excessive cardio will never help you build muscle, so if you want to be toned weight training is essential, even if you are adding the slightest weights, it will help you yield the results you are looking for by doing a combination of both types of exercise.

Now, in which order should you do them? That depends on your goals.

Related: 10 Low-Impact Cardio Moves To Do Anyday

In What Order Should You Do Cardio & Weights?

You can definitely do both cardio and weights in the same workout session, or you can separate them by day in order to focus your energy more clearly and rest your muscles for getting the most out of your workout.

Although, if you are trying to build muscle, it is recommended by fitness experts to hit the weights before doing cardio. This allows you to work out harder, as cardio can make you feel more tired.

But, there is nothing wrong with doing cardio first, especially if you aren't a huge fan of cardio and want to get it out of the way to avoid skipping it. There are benefits to both sides, it just depends on your preferences and goals.

Listen to your body, what it needs from you and how you can get the most out of your workout when you do a combination of both exercises.

Related: Find A Cardio Workout That Works For You

Key Take-Aways To Incorporate Into Your Fitness Routine

So, what is the takeaway here? You are the one who decides what kind of exercise feels right to you, and depending on your goals, the kind of workouts you do might change, even from week to week.

If you are preparing to run a race, your workouts might be more focused on cardio and running, leaving less time for weights as you are building your endurance. Whereas for folks who are looking to tone or possibly lose some weight, a combination of cardio and weights is ideal to yield the results you want to see.

There are tons of resources for women, by female fitness experts to learn more about the kind of workouts you should be doing to get the results you want. Always listen to your body and remember to rest when necessary.

Next: Why You Need To Start Doing LISS Workouts

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