CrossFit is flooding the internet from at-home workouts to influencers who are creating Fit lifestyles around this sub-genre. Even entire gyms are dedicated to CrossFit, workout routines and special equipment.

To demystify the hype about CrossFit and the army of athletes joining the trend, it is important to understand the basics of the practice.

Crossfit, along with other popular workout methods such as Tabata, aren't very different and they are just two kinds of HIIT workouts, that is high-intensity interval workouts. Sports physiologists popularized HIIT in the early 2000s after finding that intervals produce the most results in terms of fitness.

It did well in the fitness market because HIIT promises the most bang for your buck, meaning you can get the most out of your workout for the least amount of time.

Influencers across social media and Youtube are creating HIIT workouts, and many female instructors are raving about how much they love it. The 2020 World Wide Survey Of Fitness Trends named HIIT workouts number one.

It is a global phenomenon among fitness experts and folks who like to work out. If you are interested in getting in on the hype, get started by learning about what it is and what it entails.

What Is A HIT Workout

A HIIT workout entails that you are getting the most out of your workout, hence the efficiency factor has helped it gain popularity among young working folks who want to look good,  feel good, and don't have a lot of time.

Researchers define HIIT workouts as doing an exercise with intensity for 1 to 5 minutes, and the science says this works if your heart is reaching 80 percent of its capacity, followed by a refractory period of rest. It should be a short period, but that resting is important for To be able to have this information, HIIT workout athletes need to wear a fitness watch.

Other than reaching a high intensity, and taking a break on an interval, there isn't a lot of requirements for the exercise per se. For example, you can run fast for 5 minutes, and then jog for three, and repeat.

Although there are many popularized workout routines such as the Norway 4 x4 or the very popularized by the internet 10 x 1. Meaning 10 exercises each done for one minute at a high intensity and with one minute of rest, according to fitness experts.

Crossfit is a specific kind of HIIT workout style that also follows nutrition plans and lifestyle adjustments. It incorporates a variety of different kinds of exercise and usually uses 1 to 5-minute intervals.

Tabata on the other hand which is another popularized interval routine uses 30-second intervals, 20 seconds of intensity and 10 seconds of rest.

There is a HIIT workout for everyone from runners and walkers to gym heads, that's why women workout and fitness instructors love it.

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Why Women Are Loving The HIIT Trend

HIIT workouts are famous for being efficient and for the smallest amount of time. Fitness instructors at Popsugar fitness say that they know their clients, and also their viewers have busy lives. Meaning, they don't have the time to dedicate to long workouts. Finding 20 to 30 minutes of your day can be enough to stay in shape and feel strong with a HIIT method.

Because HIIT workouts target aerobic exercise, which means burning calories and fat, they are especially good for losing weight. There are many reasons that women work out, including being healthy and strong, but it has become a popular form of exercise for getting quick results in weight loss or changing your body.

Here are some ways to get started with HIIT no matter your reasons for working out, if you are entry-level or a pro athlete.

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Ways To Get Started With HIIT Workouts

If you want to get started with HIIT, it is all around you. If you have a gym membership, try out a HIIT class. For those who love to work out at home, there is good news for you. There are thousands of HIIT workouts online from Youtube videos to personal trainers and apps.

There are many workout channels with women in mind who focus on HIIT such as PopSugar Fitness, and workout influencer MadFit.

If you are looking to get the most out of your workout and find yourself struggling to find the time, pop on a 10 minute HIIT video. Work your way up to 20 or 30-minute workouts, which include cooldowns, don't worry!

Even just going for a job, you can use the HIIT method. Find intervals that work for you, or do some research about the interval plans that have worked for fitness experts.

HIIT workouts are for everyone, there is a way to get involved from your home, at the gym or even with your community.

Next: 10 Easy Celeb Workout Tips To Try At Home

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