A flap of belly fat is something that most of us would gladly live without. The good news is that we no longer need to run a marathon on the treadmill to see results. We can lose belly fat by just breathing.

Kapalbhati Yoga is a vigorous yoga breathing technique that, if done regularly, triggers fat burn in the midsection. Strong exhalations massage the abdomen, and as a result, they help to regulate metabolisms and release harmful toxins from the bodies.

But don’t grab your yoga mat and start exhaling like a bull in the arena just yet. Even though the practice isn't time-consuming, it takes focus, discipline and an empty stomach to practice Kapalbhati Yoga correctly. But once you get the hang of it, the results are jaw-dropping, according to people who have tried it.


Kapalbhati Yoga requires us to do something so incredibly vital and simple: to just breath! Caught up in our chronically high-stressed lifestyles, many of us don’t remember to take deep, relaxing breaths that supply the brain with oxygen-rich blood. Let’s not forget that belly fat has been linked to high cortisol levels, more commonly known as the "stress hormone"! This is beginning to make more sense.

Here’s a brief description of how the practice should be done. Be cautioned, however: beginners are strongly advised to go through the basics with the help of an experienced yoga teacher.

To kickstart your Kapalbhati practice, sit down on the floor, cross-legged, almost like a Buddha statue. Remember to always keep your back and neck as straight as possible, and to rest your hands on your knees. If this pose feels very uncomfortable, you can alternatively sit on your knees, keeping your back straight. Close your eyes and then inhale calmly and exhale forcefully through your lips. As you exhale your abdomen will tighten and lunge inward.

Getting rid of the spare tire has some additional, incredible health benefits. As Yoga International explains, Kapalbati Yoga is like a youth elixir and has no equal in enhancing oxygenation of the blood. By doing so it renews the blood, helps to cleanse and combat issues, and can even delay the process of aging.

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