Countless diets have been floating around for ages, promising a variety of health benefits including weight loss, less bloating, improvements in skin and hair, among others. But one of the most popular diets at the moment is the keto diet, which features a very high fat, low carb approach. Proponents of this diet have stated that it has helped them to lose weight and “reduce inflammation”. The way that this is accomplished on the keto diet is a little bit complicated.

Essentially, when we eat carbs, glucose enters the body. The body then uses this glucose for energy, but because glucose is the energy source, any fats that are consumed are just stored, instead of used up. By cutting carbs and therefore forcing the body to use fats as its main energy source, the body enters into "ketosis", as fats are broken down, and the body believes that its food supply is reduced. It will then use up fats, thereby helping the body to physically perform (and oftentimes look) better.

There has also been information circulating that popcorn is one of the better choices in keto snacks, being low in fat, sugar, sodium, and calories. Many dieters cite popcorn as a go-to snack to satisfy crunchy cravings while also being relatively healthy for the body (as long as they’re not slathering on the butter).

Unfortunately for those trying to stick to the keto diet, popcorn includes 21 grams of carbs per serving, and carbs, as stated above, should be kept to an absolute minimum in this diet. Of course, there are other deliciously starchy items that are very obviously not okay for this diet, including bread, pasta, candies, chips, etc., but these, for the most part, were already previously labeled as junk foods.

Popcorn is a complicated snack because it’s really not that terrible for the body, but it is very high in carbohydrates. Dr. Catherine Metzgar, a registered dietician, gave POPSUGAR the skinny on fitting popcorn into the keto diet. Simply put, she said that the best decision when it comes to popcorn is to avoid it entirely while on the keto diet. Dieters are only allowed to have a maximum of 50 grams of carbs per day, and one serving of popcorn decimates half of this daily allowance. Dr. Metzgar suggests low-carb nuts and seeds to satisfy snack cravings, as these are high in fat and fit well with the diet.


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