If you don’t currently use a humidifier during the dry and cold winter months, you may want to consider doing so. According to New York City's top dermatologists and allergy specialists, humidifiers offer significant skin health benefits.

"A humidifier allows us to control the environment, which is a great way to control the skin," explains New York City dermatologist Paul Jarrod Frank. "Skin is our largest organ, and heat is naturally very drying, so it's important to keep air hydrated."

Humidifiers can increment air hydration levels by pushing moisture into your surroundings and raising the humidity indoors, says William Reisacher, an allergist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.

Humidifiers are especially important during the winter months since heating makes the air indoors very dry, which contrasts with the extreme cold and dry air outside. The contrast can rob skin of its natural oils, says dermatologist Gary Goldenberg of Goldenberg Dermatology, who advised patients suffering from eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin to use humidifiers. Like hair, when skin is stripped of natural oils, it can suffer.

"Low humidity levels degrade the skin's natural moisture barrier, which can lead to flaking, cracking, and peeling," says dermatologist Dendy Engelman. Other factors like indoor heating, strong winds, and hot showers can irritate the skin's lipid layer, which offers protection against bacteria, pollution, and other toxic environmental agents.

The skin’s outermost layer acts as a line of defense, but to do so effectively, it must be properly hydrated. When the top layer of skin is undernourished, it will look dry. Dryness may result in increased oil production; therefore, skin hydration is important to avoid dreaded oily skin.

Hydration will keep toxins flushed and move fluids throughout your capillaries, Engelman says. Natural oils are necessary to keep cells healthy and reduce waste, as well as to keep oil production in check.

A humidifier will restore adequate moisture levels to your skin as well as the rest of your body. Also, drinking enough water each day and moisturizing in addition to using a humidifier can help regulate the skin’s moisture levels.

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One important thing to keep in mind when using a humidifier is to clean it regularly. If not cleaned weekly, it will often develop into bacteria, fungi, yeast and mold, which can have serious effects upon your health if inhaled. Using soap and water or vinegar and drying out the humidifier before refilling it will help keep it free of toxins.

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