Your new mantra needs to be: every day is a good day to wear sunscreen. Even if the sun is not out, those pesky UV rays are and leaving your skin defenseless basically undoes all the time you spend each day applying serums and antiaging creams.

Even though you should always wear a sunscreen product, with summer on the cusp it needs to become a daily necessity, not just for your face, but for exposed skin. Chances are, you aren't even applying it correctly for it to do its job fully, protect and prevent any painful burns or peeling.

Check out this guide to using the right SPF products, and applying them properly for health and glowing skin.


Have The Right Products For Your Skin

Nobody likes the idea of applying an oily and smell sunscreen to their face and body every day, it isn't an appealing product and it taints the smell of your previous coconut lotion or favorite perfume.

Find the right SPF products to support your skin, whether it is an all-encompassing product or one for your face, and another for your body. Many celebrities are coming out with specialty products such as Winnie Harlow with Cay Cosmetics, and Naomi Osaka whose vegan skincare products are targeted to product folks with melanated skin.

Remember that in the summer when you are spending a long day in the sun, it is important to have plenty of sunscreens which includes using a more basic product. Just know that if you have to use sunblock on your face, there is no harm unless you are acne-prone, most products are intended to be used on your face and body.

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Apply Evenly To Clean Skin, First

For daily care, make sure to apply sunscreen evenly to clean skin to prevent any breakouts or oily reactions. This is a good practice for daily application when going about your day, not when you are spending a lot of time in the sun, and requires a lot of reapplication.

When it is said to apply evenly, make sure to emphasize the amount you are applying as most people do not apply nearly enough. The general rule is to apply an ounce of sunscreen to exposed skin, for reference that is about the same amount of liquid as a shot glass.

Use more than you think you need and let it sink into your skin before going into the sun. Ideally, you want to apply sunscreen before leaving the house, or at least while sitting in the shade and let it sink in before exposing yourself to the sun.

When applying to your face, just like any other skin care cream makes sure to start from the center and gently make outward movements with the cream towards the outer rim of your face.

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No Sunscreen Is Water Or Sweat Resistant

Pay attention to what the product says and claims on the bottle, according to the FDA there is no sunscreen that is waterproof or sweatproof, only resistant. That means if you are outside and sweating, or going for a swim, you are only protected for a limited amount of time.

There is also a difference between sunblock and sunscreen, know what product you are buying and don't assume they are the same. The only way to tell the difference is the ingredients, a sunblock contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, as these chemicals allow the UV rays to be blocked and not absorbed.

Reapply Every Two Hours

No matter how hot it is, how much you sweat, swim or even take a break in the shade, the rule of thumb needs to be reapplied every two hours. It might seem excessive, but if you don't want to age your skin or deal with a burn later, take a few minutes to simply reapply.

Go slow, don't be in a hurry as you can apply more evenly when you take your time and don't assume that being in the shade will remedy blocking UVs. If there are lots of UVs out during the winter even when it is cloudy, they can get to you in the shade under a tree even if it isn't enough to make you burn.

Another face you have to face is putting on sunscreen over your makeup. Hopefully, the days that you spend out in the sun for long periods of time aren't the same days you apply heavy makeup, but in any case do use a BB or CC Cream, or tinted moisturizer, but don't be afraid to apply sunscreen over it throughout the day.

Some products include SPF misting sprays, which are perfect for those protesting their contour, but remember it is better to wear sunscreen and reapply it than worry about your contour.

Next: 10 Best Face SPF Products To Add To Your Daily Skincare Routine

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