83 percent of workers in the U.S. report work-related stress, according to the American Stress Society, which is more than 40 states full of people.

Stress is just one reason that leads people to feel unproductive. Productivity has become a recent buzz in terms of lifestyle and habits as society begins to recognize that there are ways to boost it and get more out of life.

Struggling with productivity can be in various aspects of life from professional to social and even emotional. The act of putting things off causes mental roadblocks, that slow down your ability to do other things.

Facing the roadblocks and knowing them off of your list will make you a more productive person in all aspects.

Being productive is important for life satisfaction, and finding the right life balance. If you struggle with feeling productive, there are a lot of ways to make changes, it is possible you just haven't found the rhythm that best serves your mind and lifestyle.

Why Is It Important To Feel Productive

Being and feeling productive are two different things, but they are equally important.

Being productive is actually getting things done, maybe even before they need to be done. This gives you more time to focus on other aspects, and hopefully yourself. Of course, this is most important in the workplace for excelling at your job, but also for staying on top of your life admin such as paying student loans, investing, managing your budget and expenses.

Feeling productive is arguably more important than the act of being. If you don't feel productive, that can lead to feelings of incapability, sadness and depression. Having negative thoughts about yourself is related to not feeling like you can get things done, in any aspect, especially related to career and personal experiences.

When you feel productive, you feel capable and in theory, can have a more positive outlook on your life opportunities. Importantly, being productive actually buys you more personal time as well.

If you are already productive, but what to feel fulfilled by getting ahead, try changing up your workflow to maximize your time and get things done before your deadline.

Related: Working From Home: How To Set Yourself Up For Success & Productivity

How To Get Ahead

Getting ahead of your deadlines is a great way to manage stress. If you get work done before its time, you avoid the crunch and scramble to finish. Having more time to work on something can also increase the quality of work, whether it be work-related or personal.

For planning ahead in your personal life, you can set more goals and give yourself time to reach them. At work, getting work done before the deadline is a sure way to make time for other projects and impress your managers. 

Without sacrificing your work-life balance, make adjustments or dedicate some time to getting ahead. For example, work every Saturday morning for one month and see how far it gets you. If there is really no difference, then you know it isn't a matter of time to get things done, but your level of productivity.

To remedy your production without sacrificing time, you will need to get into a routine and stick to your schedule. To be more productive and focused without spending more time, take the time to take care of your needs such as exercising, eating well, sleeping regularly and doing something for yourself such as reading for 20 minutes. Having a mental escape can help you to focus more on your tasks.

If you still struggle with being productive, it is time to find a new workflow method.

Related: 10 Ways To Make More Time In Your Day

What To Do If You Struggle To Be Productive

There are many ways to recreate your schedule to be more productive.

First of all, priorities. Make a to-do list that includes things that are important, urgent, unimportant and not urgent. Focus on urgent and important things, reschedule the things that are not urgent, and get rid of the things that are not important. These are the skills of highly productive people, according to the author Stephen Covey. Productive people may not necessarily get everything done in one day, but they prioritize tasks in their personal and professional lives.

Take it to the next step and build a workflow schedule. For example, dedicate a certain amount of time to a task, and stack the tasks. If something takes longer than you thought, it is okay just reprioritize it later. Some people follow the 1, 3, 5 rule which is getting one important thing done, 3 medium, and 5 mundane small tasks. Accept that is a reasonable amount of work for one day and qualifies as a good day's work. Overloading yourself will not make you productive.

Finally, take breaks. Schedule yourself to work for 25 to 50 minutes and then take a 5-minute break to recharge your brain batteries.

Anyone can be productive if they decide to take care of themselves and realize their limits, it is all about changing your mindset and sticking to good habits.

Next: How To Get Into A Routine And Stick To It

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