As more and more brands focus on organic and eco-friendly beauty solutions, the market is being revolutionized by innovative new products. Case in point: ReCoff, a brand created by 16-year-old Charlotte Kabelac, manufactures shampoo, soap, and body lotion out of recycled coffee grounds.

"When I began learning about climate change and global warming, I became very interested and believe that this is one of our greatest challenges," Kabelac told Bustle. "We must start to seriously make changes. If I want to create a product, it must be eco-friendly because it’s our responsibility to treat the planet we are living on well for ourselves and future generations."

ReCoff is focused on sustainability and everything from the ingredients to the packaging will integrate recycled products. Kabelac, who moved from Wiesbaden, Germany to New York City to attend Dwight School, an international school on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, first became involved in the idea incubator program called Spark Tank. It was there that she developed her product line, which strives to be completely green.

ReCoff uses 100 percent organic ingredients and recycled packaging in an effort to reduce waste while providing healthy skin with chemical-free ingredients. Kabelac will oversee all aspects of the business, including production, distribution and sales, to ensure that the brand maintains its eco-friendly ethos.

Kabelac ingeniously chose coffee grounds as her main ingredient since caffeine helps stimulate blood circulation and cell turnover, making recycled coffee the ideal material to revitalize skin. Caffeine has also been shown to strengthen hair, help with cellulite and protect against hair loss. The brand’s lotions and soaps not only cleanse but also help maintain collagen and elasticity.

Kabelac sources used coffee grounds from The Muffins Cafe, a coffee shop in her neighborhood, where she also intends to sell her product. The concept is also environmentally sustainable since the source material is completely local and requires no transport. For the packaging, Kabelac has shunned plastic and will create bottles with thick recycled paper with an added layer inside for her shampoos.

The young entrepreneur has received an innovation grant from Spark Tank, which will allow her to develop her concept. She already has a business plan that includes launching an online store before expanding the distribution of ReCoff products to hotels, salons and spas. “I’m hoping not to see my line in a store or on a shelf next to a product that doesn’t represent or share my values," she says.

RELATED: This Coffee Company Is Now Getting Into The Skincare Market

So far, Kabelac has proven that younger generations are more than willing to fight climate change and ensure the future of the planet. Good news and a lesson for all.

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