Media and celebrities tell you one thing – big boobs are attractive and everyone’s impressed by their appearance. Small breasts, changes in your bust after breastfeeding or after losing weight can seriously harm your self-esteem. If you’re considering a change in your breast size or shape, you’re not alone. Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery in the US, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. More than 280,000 patients underwent that cosmetic procedure in 2014.

Making an informed decision about getting breast implants is the first step towards figuring out whether you really need the procedure. The more you know about their side effects, the more confident and calm you’ll feel about the big change your body is about to undergo.

The following list includes some of the most important facts to discuss with your plastic surgeon, once you decide to go for a consultation. Having more information and a clear expectation about what’s next will help you manage the stress after the operation and enjoy your new look.

15 Options

Although silicone has become synonymous with breast implants, you have two options to choose from when it comes to a breast augmentation – silicone and saline. Choosing one or the other will depend entirely on your preferences. A good surgeon will explain the differences and make it easier for you to pick between the implant varieties.

Silicone implants are widespread because they offer a more natural appearance after the augmentation. They’re made of a silicone “pocket” that is filled with silicone gel. If you choose silicone implants, you should know that the size of the incision will depend on the size of the implants because they’re pre-filled before the surgery.

Saline implants are made of silicone and are filled with salt water which is known as saline solution. These implants are placed in your body empty and the surgeon fills them depending on the pre-selected size. The incision will be smaller due to the fact that implants are put empty into your body. In the case of leaks, your body is safe because the salt water liquid is similar to bodily fluids. Saline breast implants are firmer and look more unnatural in comparison to silicone.

14 Want To Breastfeed In The Future? 

Having breast implants won’t impede with your ability to breastfeed a baby. The implants are placed under the skin or under the breast muscle in order to keep the milk ducts intact.

One of the possibilities for getting implants involves a nipple incision. Many women prefer nipple incisions because the scar is very small and it fades with the passage of time. The procedure, however, may affect nipple sensitivity. If your nipple lacks sensitivity, the milk might not flow when the baby tries to latch on.

According to the National Research Center for Women and Families, women with breast implants are three times more likely to have problems with breastfeeding. In addition, they’re more prone to experiencing problems like mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue) and other breast infections.

13 Be Prepared For The Pain

Modern medicine has sped up post-surgical recovery and there are various pain management products that usually deliver great results. The pain experienced after breast augmentation is strictly individual but you better be prepared for it. After coming out of anesthesia you’ll have to stay in your bed for a few days without moving too much. Your surgeon will also prescribe a medication that you can take to decrease the pain.

You have to take a few days off to stay at home for recovery after the surgery. Relax in bed and give your body some time to heal. Consider wearing clothes made from looser, natural fabrics. These aren’t going to irritate the recovering tissue, making it easier to cope with the pain.

12  Implants And Breast Cancer Screenings

Regular mammography check-ups are obligatory for all women because that’s the only option for early breast cancer detection. If you’re planning breast augmentation surgery, keep in mind that the implants could interfere with effective screening and “conceal” lumps or other abnormalities. Both silicone and saline implants prevent X-rays from passing through the tissue, which will make it more difficult to do an effective screening.

According to the American Cancer Society, women that have breast implants should do deeper medical examinations with four extra mammography scans in addition to the four standard pictures. The extra photos are called ID (implant displacement).

In rare cases, mammograms may cause breast implants to rupture. Tell your doctor that you have implants before the breast exam begins.

11 Regular Maintenance Is A Must

Once you get bigger breasts, you’ll need to do regular examinations for leaks and other ruptures. Breast implants come with a warranty and have high resilience but no matter what you do, they’ll remain a foreign object that’s placed surgically inside the body.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening is the top recommendation for women that have implants. MRIs can find breaks, leaks or ruptures that cause the solution to go out of the pocket. Regular MRI screenings are vital for keeping your breasts healthy. In addition, this scanning technology is also great for breast cancer detection.

10 Beautiful Augmented Breasts Happen With Time

In addition to the pain that you’ll feel after the augmentation, chances are that you’ll be swollen and your breasts would look anything but perky and attractive. If you take a look in the mirror a few days after having the surgery, you’ll probably be disappointed by the outcome.

The tissue needs some time to recover and adjust after the invasive procedure. Give your body some time to heal and you’ll see the shape of the breasts changing for the better.

Day by day, you’ll start noticing positive changes but the final result will become obvious in two or three months. Consider taking daily photos in order to track progress and see how your body is changing.

9 It’s Ok To Touch Your New Breasts

Implants will make you feel pain in the beginning but it’s ok to touch the breasts and get “acquainted” with them. In the beginning you’ll feel weird about touching the tissue. Keep in mind, however, that a gentle massage can decrease the post-operative pain.

Ask your doctor whether to massage your breasts or not. Sometimes, a massage could contribute to permanent scarring.

Touching the breasts is the easiest way to accustom yourself to your new body. Always consult with your surgeon if you have any concerns about your breasts, their texture or the feel of the skin after the augmentation.

8 Size And Shape: How They Impact Your Health

The top three most important factors to take into consideration when you choose shape and size are body type, skin elasticity and future changes your body will undergo (pregnancy, aging, weight fluctuations).

Choosing the most appropriate size and shape of implants is crucial because these factors will impact your appearance and your health. Anyone that wants to go up a couple of sizes will need to be in excellent physical shape. Do exercises to make your back stronger and think about the weight your body is about to handle.

Large boobs on a tiny frame can contribute to back problems and shoulder pain. If your doctor advises you to go smaller, you may want to consider that recommendation.

7 Loss Of Nipple Sensation

Loss of nipple sensation is common after a breast augmentation. It happens if nerves are nicked during a surgery. Depending on your condition, loss of sensitivity might last from six months to 1.5 years. In rare occasions, nipple sensitivity may be lost altogether.

One of the main causes of changes in nipple sensitivity is the size of the implant. If it’s much bigger than your normal size, you can expect loss of sensitivity for a certain period of time. Be sure to ask your surgeon about nipple sensitivity and what you can expect after the operation.

6 Forget About Celebrity Boobs

Your new breasts won’t look like the picture you’ve shown to your doctor. Every woman has a different structure and the same size and shape of implants can look completely different. Keep your expectations reasonable and listen to your doctor. If a surgeon promises miracles and tells you that you’ll look exactly what you’d like to get, you may want to request a second consultation with another surgeon.

Unrealistic expectations will lead to disappointment, even if a surgery is extremely successful. You’ve probably have a certain idea about what your augmented breasts would look like. Forget about this dream – your body is unique and so will your new breasts be.

5 Changes May Take Place Over The Years

Breast implants remain unaffected by changes in weight, but your breast tissues will change. Lack of the soft tissue that covers your breasts will make implants more visible and unnatural in appearance. If you plan to lose weight, do your best to get those results before the surgery.

There are no specific examinations about the correlation between weight loss and the appearance of breast implants. Still, having a healthy weight will reduce the risk of complications during the surgery.

To get the best results, you may consider working with a personal trainer. Tell them that you’re about to have a surgery. This way, the trainer will get a better idea about the types of exercises to focus on.

4 Breast Stretch Marks

Postoperative stretch marks are a possible side effect of getting the surgery. Stretch marks appear rarely according to surgeons but there are factors that increase the risk of skin striation.

You are more likely to have stretch mark problems after breast implant surgery if you already have this problem on other parts of your body. The first stretch marks appear in the teenage years, when your body grows at a quick rate.

Patients with thin skin and women who haven’t given birth before the surgery are more likely to have stretch marks. Choosing huge implants is another risk factor. Large implants will stretch the skin significantly, affecting its elasticity and appearance.

3 Changes In Breast Texture

Will your partner still like touching your breasts after the surgery? Changes in tissue texture are strictly individual. It’ll take time to get used to your new boobs and your partner will probably feel the implants. The size, shape and the type of surgery are crucial for the way you will feel.

Silicone breasts are soft but they don’t compare to the real thing. Choosing the size that best suits your figure will be very important for retaining that natural sensation. You need to be comfortable with the augmentation.

2 You Still Need A Bra

Going braless with big and tight breasts after a surgery is a dream for many women but the truth of the mater is that even after the augmentation, you will need a bra. Wearing the right bra prevents your skin from stretching and becoming saggy due to the additional weight.

While buying a new bra is the most anticipated event after the surgery, you’ll need to wait a month or two before shopping. Your implants need time to settle into their final size and shape. In most cases, plastic surgeons recommend wearing a sports bra in the first weeks after the surgery because you’ll feel more comfortable.

1 Breast Implants Aren’t Permanent

While implants don’t have an expiration date, they are foreign objects that need to be properly maintained and replaced if necessary. According to the FDA, the lifetime of the implants varies from person to person. It’s uncommon for women to have the same implants for a period exceeding 20 to 30 years.

Additional surgeries may be needed in case you dislike the outcome of the first operation or if you want size and shape corrections. A surgery will be needed if there is a problem with your implants like a rupture, shape changes or leaks. Pay attention to unusual changes in the shape of your breasts or any strange pain and consult your doctor immediately.

Visit your plastic surgeon regularly in order to protect yourself and to increase the life of you implants. Prevention is the best way to keep your body healthy and beautiful.


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