When Taylor Swift dropped her album 1989, you listened to it on repeat FOR DAYS. Weeks. Months, even. You loved every song from "Welcome To New York" to "Bad Blood" and "Style." You especially loved trying to guess who each song was about. But that was forever ago (aka October 2014) and so you really need some new T-Swift music. As in right now. Thankfully, rumor has it that Taylor Swift has a new album coming out this year. You really, really hope that's true since you're desperate. You need some new break-up songs. You need some new dating songs. And you really need some new single-and-loving-it songs. We're right there with you. Here are 15 things we want from Taylor Swift's rumored 2017 album. We really hope that our hopes and dreams come true because we can't imagine living in a world that doesn't give us exactly what we want (well, at least when it comes to one of our favorite singers).

15 A Great Song About Calvin Harris

It's no secret that Taylor Swift dated Calvin Harris. It was surprising since they dated for a total of 15 months. As in over a year. We seriously couldn't remember the last time that Taylor had dated someone for that long. After all, we're used to tabloid news of her dating a new guy every month or so. But sadly, this romance was not to be and the two broke up in June of 2016. There are rumors of him being jealous of her success and we would really hate if that was the case, so we're not really going to go there. But we do hope that Taylor has a great song about this relationship on her new album. We know that only she can write a truly amazing relationship song, and we can't wait to listen and try to guess who she's singing about. Part of the fun of a T-Swift album is playing dating detective, right?!

14 An Epic Break-Up Song

Taylor has gone through a bunch of break-ups and we want to hear from her. We don't necessarily NEED a song about Tom Hiddleston in particular (although, of course, that would be great). But we do NEED an epic break-up song. We think it would be really cool if Taylor would write a tune about all of her relationships and break-ups. She definitely has gone through a lot and has probably learned a ton too, since it's pretty impossible to date a lot of guys and not learn a million different lessons. If she could pen an epic break-up song, we would be forever grateful and we bet that we would learn a lot, too. We would also feel like we could relate to her a lot since of course, we've also been through similar experiences in our own romantic lives (although we haven't had the whole world watching, of course).

13 The Truth About Katy Perry

Everyone knows that the song "Bad Blood" from Taylor's 1989 album is most likely about Katy Perry, but we do not know the truth about what really happened between these two. They were good friends once and so there must be more to the story and more to say. Wouldn't it be great if Taylor had a song on her rumored 2017 album about Katy Perry? We really have all kinds of questions. What went down with the backup dancer thing? What does Taylor really think about this? Everyone goes through a friendship breakup at one point or another and so we would love a song about this. We could definitely relate to that since we have had toxic people in our lives that we have had to say goodbye to, even if we did not really want to. Yes, we would really enjoy any type of song that has to do with all of this! Thanks Taylor.

12 A Song That Puts The Kanye And Kim Drama To Rest

We know what went down with Taylor Swift, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian. But do we really want to keep hearing about it? Definitely not. That ship has sailed and we think that it's long past time to move on. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, and so we think that Taylor needs to write a song that finally puts this drama to rest. She can tell her own side of the story and we think that she would agree that's a good idea. After all, she has said that she "never wanted to be part of this narrative" (or she at least said something along those lines) and so we think she would want to tell her side of the tale. She hasn't said as much about this as Kim and Kanye, that's for sure. We really think this would be a great idea and the song would be a massive success. It would definitely get people talking, which is always a good thing.

11 A Country Tune

Remember the old days when Taylor was a country music star? We wish that she would have a country tune on her new album. We honestly miss those days since her songs were so sweet and innocent. Sure, she was really young back then and it makes sense that she's grown up, but we still think that she could do a great job in the country music genre. Most fans probably wouldn't love this idea since she's killing it in the pop genre, but we still think it could be fun. After all, Taylor's old country albums were still pretty poppy when you think about it. So we think that she could come up with a really fun, fantastic country song that would still fit her new image and new pop star vibe. Come on Taylor, are you listening?! We know that we don't know you and that you probably know what's best for you, but we think this is a good idea.

10 Something In The Hip-Hop Genre

Taylor's song "Bad Blood" is a bit of a departure in the genre since it's not technically a pop song or a country tune, either. We would love to see a hip-hop song from Taylor. She's definitely tried her hand at rapping before and while she has received her fair share of haters for that, she's done a pretty good job. We think that this album should be the time when Taylor branches out into a few different genres. She already did that when she moved from country to pop. While most people probably wouldn't associate T-Swift with anything other than those two genres, we think that this could be a cool thing for her. Anytime an artist makes a big change, it's seriously a breath of fresh air, and it allows them to grow and explore different sides of themselves. We think that's always a really cool, inspiring thing.

9 Tons Of Poetic Lyrics

We LOVE how poetic some of the lyrics in Taylor's songs are and we would love for even more lyrics along these lines for her rumored 2017 album. Just think about these lyrics from her 1989 song "This Love": "Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in. And I could go on and on, on and on, and I will. Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again. And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone." Isn't that super beautiful? We could honestly cry just hearing those words. Okay, maybe not, but we still love this song and its gorgeous lyrics. It's really great that Taylor is known as a singer-songwriter and that she doesn't just rely on other people. She tells her own stories and writes her own tunes and we love that about her. So no matter how people hate her or give her flak, we're on her side and we can't wait for her album. We just know it's going to be special and magical.

8 A Concept Album

Wouldn't it be AWESOME if Taylor wrote a concept album? What if she went through all the different stages of meeting someone and dating them and falling in love and then breaking up? The first song on the album could be something like "The Meet Cute" and the second song could be "The First Date" and so on. Okay, so maybe those song titles need some work. Hey, we're not famous singer/songwriters here. We're just trying to give Taylor some suggestions and advice (not that she needs it, of course). We think that she could literally take any concept out there -- being a single woman for a long time, the ins and outs of friendships, being in your 20s, or even what it's really like to be famous -- and she could create an epic album. We would totally be on board with this and would listen to this album every day. We would recommend it to everyone that we know and drive people kind of nuts about it.

7 A Song About Her Mom's Cancer

Back in 2015, Taylor announced that her beloved mom had been diagnosed with cancer, and we all felt totally heartbroken hearing that news. She wrote a song back in 2012 called "Ronan" about a little boy who was also suffering from the illness. So we would love for her to pen a tune about her mom's own journey with cancer. Of course, this would be really, really painful for her and we get that. We know that she might not want to go there, at least not right now. But it seems like her mom is okay and we think that this could be a really beautiful song. It could also inspire a lot of people who have gone through this themselves or who are watching a family member or a good friend or loved one suffer. Music is such a powerful thing and just knowing that someone else is going through what you are can really help you.

6 A Country Ballad About Her Journey

It would be cool to learn more about how T-Swift's career got started, right? We do know that she has known that she wanted to be a successful singer from a really young age and that she and her family moved near Nashville so she could try her hand at entering the music business. We also know that this couldn't have been easy at all. If Taylor could write a song about her journey and everything that happened to her and all of the emotions that she felt, we would really love it. We would love to know more about her since these days, all we see is how famous she is and how many celebrities she seems to know and hang out with. It would be great to hear a bit more about how it all began and relate to her struggles and dreams instead of wondering if she has a single friend who isn't a famous figure just like her.

5 A Song About Her Relationship Rumors

We would love a song about the boys that people think that Taylor has dated. We think that she should write about these guys, whether or not she has really been with them or not. We think this could be a super hilarious song. After all, the girl brought us the epic song "Blank Space" and that really is a magical piece of music. It was cool how she managed to write an entire song about how she always seems to be dating a new person. There is just so much material to work with here, right? We love that Taylor has a sense of humor about all the rumors about her -- like when in "Shake It Off" she sings "I go on too many dates, but I can't make them stay" -- and we think that she could apply that sense of humor to a whole new tune. This would definitely be a hit single and would race to the top of the charts, but that wouldn't be a huge surprise since her music is so good and so popular.

4 A Song About What People Say About Her

Sure, Taylor gave us the great song "Shake It Off" about her haters and how she loves her life and is going to just get over whatever anyone says. But we still would love a song about all the rumors that are flying around about her. This would be a sequel of sorts so she could even call it "Shake It Off 2.0." We really think this would be a great idea. After all, she still has her fair share of haters and it seems like her public image has really taken a turn for the worse since 2014. That's definitely no secret. So she still needs to say more about who she really is and how she deals with the haters. And if she could have another music video where she dances in a totally hilarious way, well, we would be on board with that too. This would bring a bit more humility into her image, and that's definitely something that is necessary.

3 A Feminist Jam

Is Taylor a feminist or not? We're not really sure. We would like to think that she is but she has gotten in a bit of hot water for not being sure what this concept really is. We think that if she could write a song about being a feminist or about feminism in general, then that would really help her image. Maybe she could make up a female character and talk about feminism in that way, or talk about her own journey to self-confidence and self-acceptance. Every woman out there has gone through something, whether it's struggling with body image or mental health issues or just becoming comfortable with who they are. We're pretty sure that Taylor is no stranger to having a bit of self-doubt, even though she seems really confident these days. We don't think this is the worst idea in the world. It would definitely be a good song.

2 Something More Relatable

What would make Taylor Swift relatable these days? If she wrote a song devoted to Netflix and pizza (aka amazing things that we all love)? Just kidding. Well, kind of. It's not rocket science that people don't love this girl the way that they used to. People wonder if she's gotten a big head or loves being famous a little bit too much. People also wonder if she's ever going to be in a decent relationship or if she's ever going to seem like a regular person. We're not really sure if we have the answers to those questions or if we ever will. But we are sure that we want something relatable on this new album. Whether that means Taylor talking about normal girl things like hanging out with her friends or going on a bad date, or whether that means she's going to share her story of growing up and becoming a singer, we think that would be really great. She can't be hated any more than she already is, so we think that she should do something that helps people love her once again.

1 A Tribute To Her Girl Squad

We definitely have heard a lot about Taylor's squad. We've seen the photos. We've followed along on Instagram. And we've definitely judged these girls in one way or another. We think that the crown jewel in a 2017 Taylor Swift album would be a song about her girl squad. It would be an ode or a tribute if you will, and it would be pretty awesome. We think that her squad gets a lot of flak since people wonder why only famous people seem to be part of this group and whether she's really the queen bee or not. But when we think about it, there's really nothing wrong with Taylor having a lot of good friends and championing them. We all have our own group of close girl friends and maybe we're all a part of our own girl squads. What's wrong with that?! If she could clear the air and write a tune about this squad, we think that this would be a really great album. Whether or not she listens to our suggestions, we really can't wait for her new tunes.

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