When dating someone there’s one BIG detail you have to take into account; their friends.

You might not like them; nevertheless it is extremely important that you get along with them. Here’s the thing…. they were with him before you met him and it’s very likely they’ll be around him if/when you’re gone.

You can wonder “Do they like me?” well…. Keep on reading and you’ll figure it out. Here you will find 15 signs that will let you know more clearly how his friends feel about you.

If you see several of these signs then it's very likely they don’t like you, so stop wondering and read this. It will leave things as clear as water for you.

15 You Don’t Get Invited Anywhere

They all get together for the BIG game, dinner, parties and whatever social gathering they planned and for some reason you don’t ever get an invitation, a text or a phone call. Your boy might, but it’s a “boys exclusive” gathering or at least that’s what he makes you believe, until you eventually find out that the other girlfriends and wives went.

When his friends don’t like you your man will know and it’s very likely he won't want to sacrifice his friends for you, so he’ll make an effort to keep you both apart. His friends will also make an effort to make sure you stay away from them.

14 No one wants to sit close to you

So… you’re lucky enough to have been invited somewhere but none of his friends want to sit next to you.

They can choose to take the seat next to you, or to squeeze in another chair from the opposite side of where you are sitting to try and keep the distance. It will be obvious when they prefer to cram a chair between the other attendees than to sit comfortably next to you.

If you’re at a social gathering but his friends are avoiding you at all costs then it’s very likely you are apersona non-grata.

13 They’re Sarcastically Obnoxious

It’s possible that none of his friends will dare tell you to your face what they think about you, but in every group of friends there’s always that one person who has a looser tongue and will make sarcastic remarks about you.

To them it will be a subtle way of letting you know what exactly it is that they don’t like about you. Sarcasm is a way of making it seem like it’s a joke in case you react negatively so they can turn the tables around and say: “it was just a joke”.

If you want to know exactly why it is they don’t like you, then you should start listening to the sarcastic remarks more cautiously.

12 You Barely Get a Greeting

When his friends like you they will greet you like you’re one of the boys and also will make you feel welcome and a part of the group. You might think being treated like one of the boys is a little too rough but it’s actually pretty awesome.

If they don’t like you then they’ll limit themselves to say the minimum, which is a plain and simple “Hello,” maybe a “How are you?” if you’re lucky.

The way they greet you says a lot about how they feel about you, so start noticing it more carefully.

11 You Are Not On Their Social Media

They don’t send you friend requests on Facebook, or if they really hate you they will deny your friend requests. If they all avoid having you anywhere close to their social media then it means you are a person they wish to keep out of their lives.

They’re trying to keep their lives private from you because they either don’t trust you or just really don’t like you. Keeping you away from their social media is an easily recognizable sign and also a very important one since it's a really big part of a person’s life in present times.

It shows you are clearly not considered a “friend”; by keeping you away from their social media they're actually making a statement.

10 They Don’t Remember Your Name or Pretend Not to

Not remembering your name can be something common in the beginning of the relationship when people are still adjusting to you. But if you’ve been dating for five months or more and his friends still don’t remember your name, this means they’re pretending not to know it or don't think you are important enough for them to learn it.

By doing this they’re showing how little appreciation they have for your existence. It is a way of showing indifference and a lack of acknowledgment which you should take seriously; you don't want to be pushed to the side by his friends every time they see you.

9 They Talk Positively About His Ex in Front of You

You are aware he has ex-girlfriends. We all know it’s a subject that is delicate and should be avoided at all costs, especially when it comes from his friends since they know all the dirty little secrets you will never know.

If his friends are constantly mentioning his ex-girlfriends in front of you, or even worse are comparing you to his ex girlfriends and remembering them in positive ways, then it means they just don’t like you and may prefer one of them over you.

8 They Make You Feel Unwelcome

You finally get invited to a dinner party, they all know you’re a vegetarian and your boyfriend made sure to remind them again, but when dinner is served you realize it’s all animal products. There’s not ONE single dish that doesn’t have meat in it.

It is a way of letting you know that even if you were lucky to get invited, they don’t want to cater to your needs and are hoping you will get the message and abstain from showing up at any future events.

7 The Other Girlfriends/Wives Don’t Invite You

Men talk as well, and they talk a lot! Whatever his friends think about you their girlfriends will likely think the same.

If all the other girlfriends/wives get along great and get together for shopping sprees, dinner parties or brunch and you don’t get an invitation then it’s very likely their boyfriends/husbands have told them about you and they’re also avoiding you.

6 They Are Not Interested In Anything You Have To Say

It doesn't matter what it is that you’re interested in and are trying to express, they will always appear as if they are not interested at all! You might even talk about how incredible the game was when their favorite team played and they will still seem uninterested in what you say.

If they are purposefully trying to make you feel awkward and uninteresting no matter what you try, they are passive-aggressively trying to make you feel left out and alienated in the hopes that you will get bored and leave. Look to see if they put any effort into talking to you about anything.

5 They Don’t Laugh At Your Jokes

Telling good jokes is not everyone’s talent, that’s for sure. But maybe you ARE a funny girl and you’ve always had everyone, or almost everyone, laughing at your jokes.

But it doesn’t matter how hard you try, for some reason you can’t seem to make them crack a smile. You could be Ellen Degeneres and they would still have a long face.

Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean you’re not funny (well, maybe you’re not), but the main problem is that they don’t like you, and they’re trying really hard not to laugh at your jokes because that could actually be a window for them to not hate you. And if they don’t like you, they may want to keep it that way for other reasons that have nothing to do with your (amazing) sense of humor.

4 They Always Disagree With You

You can´t seem to be able to win one. If you’re a democrat they disagree, if you’re a republican they disagree and if you’re not political they disagree. The problem is not what you agree on but the fact that they seem to never agree with you.

Their perception about you enables them to not have any sort of connection or empathy for you. Disagreeing with someone is the best way of showing that.

3 They’ll Speak in a Language You Can’t Understand

If you’re dating a foreigner that speaks a different language to yours and you’re hanging out with his friends and they all speak English as a second language but refuse to do so when you are in their presence, then it clearly means they’re trying to isolate you from them.

Even if they don't speak your language, if they were to really like you, they would actually make an effort to communicate with you.

Doing the opposite means they don’t want you anywhere near them or the friend whom you’re dating.

2 They Try to Create Problems

When the relationship becomes a little extreme (as the majority do from time to time), his friends will try to protect him from you and they will come up with tactics to make you argue or even part ways.

1 You’ve Heard Rumors


Gossip can be hurtful and we should be trying to stay away from it, but from time to time we can't avoid it. If you've been hearing that his friends don't like you or that they don't like certain things about you this is your time to accept it and either make a change. We suggest for you to continue being you because you know how awesome you are and it is not fair to be judged by those that don't even know you.

Sources: businessinsider.comwikihow.comthoughtcatalog.comcosmopolitan.comelitedaily.com

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