We all know how important good texting is to her relationship today. It can make or break relationships, and it can even prevent some from starting in the first place if not done correctly. Studies have shown that men and women often communicate differently, and if we look at our conversations, we can usually see this is true. You might notice in conversations with your girlfriends, messages are longer between the two of you than they are when you're texting with a guy. Over text, men tend to be more straightforward and ask fewer questions than women. Because of this difference in communication, frustrations often arise for women who are trying to get a good texting relationship going. Here are 14 of the most infuriating texts guys send...or don't send!

14 He responds to friends immediately but you have to wait hours

[caption id="attachment_14216" align="alignnone" width="1920"] via:www.youtube.com[/caption]

Sometimes guys like to text as much as girls and sometimes girlfriends get jealous of the texting time other guys get, when we are lucky to even get him to answer you, AT ALL. Sometimes you happen to walk by and notice the last few texts you guys has sent to his friends (no we aren't snooping) and there it is, disgusting pictures of nonsense. As we do not understand it, and never will, we have to let them have their fun but maybe get them to fully understand our point of view.

13 Insecure

[caption id="attachment_14212" align="alignnone" width="800"] via:www.hercampus.com[/caption]

Yuck! You know how we read articles all the time that men love confidence and find it simply irrisitable. Well the want the same thing from them, not cocky just confident and secure with themselves. Insecure questions like ' do you really want me there?' will only make us not want them there. It might be hard to tell him to start being more confident but it may be worth it to explain that he needs to stop questioning everything and that we will try to start doing the same.

12 Last minute invite

[caption id="attachment_14210" align="alignnone" width="800"] via:www.hercampus.com[/caption]

One of the most annoying things a guy can do is invite you via text to an event last minute. One we automatically assume he doesn't really want us there if the invite is last minute, two if we want to go and have already made plans this sends us fuming. If this is a new relationship try calmly explaining that you are the type of person that needs to know plans in advance and if this is a long term relationship then you may need to remind him every few months.

11 "Hi."

[caption id="attachment_12681" align="alignnone" width="1240"] via: communitytable.parade.com[/caption]

"Hi" sounds like a pretty innocent text to receive, and in truth, it likely is. However, what's frustrating about a text like this is the guy is leaving it totally up to you to carry the conversation from there. Certainly, he doesn't expect you just to write "hi" back, but rather he wants you to engage him in some type of interesting conversation when he could've done that in the first place with you. If this doesn't happen often, it probably isn't a big deal, but if all of your conversations begin like this, it's likely not a good sign for things to come.

10 Ok, yup, sure or sounds good

[caption id="attachment_14209" align="alignnone" width="852"] via;www.dailymail.co.uk[/caption]

Ok so it seems like we have ourselves a mute man on our hands, he responds but in a word or two. This of course drives us nuts because we like details! I mean we probably just spent a whole two pages explaining how a lady cut us off on our way home and he can't even write more than 'sounds good'?

9 Chats, But Never Makes Plans

[caption id="attachment_12683" align="alignnone" width="2000"] via: indialive.today[/caption]

Look, when you're interested in a guy, you're probably not his therapist, but some guys like to talk to you like you are. They want to talk to you about how their day was and how they're feeling but don't ever actually make solid plans with you. Instead, they just use your conversation skills to entertain them, and this isn't fair to you. Unless of course, that's all you're looking for too. But most of us want more than just a text relationship, and who could blame us?

8 "I'm bored."

[caption id="attachment_12684" align="alignnone" width="1698"] via: growingleaders.com[/caption]

The "I'm bored" text likely means one of two things: either he really is bored and expects you to entertain him, or he wants to talk to you but can't think of anything better to say than those two lame words. It's frustrating when a guy places the responsibility on you to entertain him, especially when he doesn't seem to put any effort into it entertaining you back. If you've ever received this text from a guy, you probably wanted to reply "get a hobby." That could be some of the best advice he's ever received if he makes it a regular habit to send texts like this.

7 Unsolicited Racy Photos

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Guys asking you for a sexy photo is one thing, but some guys take it upon themselves to sending racy photos of themselves without even asking if you'd like to see them. Not only is this awkward, but it also says a lot about the guy's ego and how it needs to be stroked. If a guy is only ever sending you pictures but not asking for them in return, that's especially alarming because it shows just how highly he thinks of himself. Sometimes the worst thing to do in this situation is to give the guy the satisfaction of complimenting him on whatever photo he sent. Another option? Well, what could be more embarrassing for a guy like this than telling him not to send you those because you didn't ask for them and explaining how wildly inappropriate it was, or just not writing back at all?

6 "Lol."

[caption id="attachment_12687" align="alignnone" width="1080"] via: ca.askmen.com[/caption]

When "lol" is included in a message you receive from a guy, it's one thing, but when you get a text that just says "lol" can be really frustrating. If you know you've just said something that warrants much more than an "lol", you might be dealing with a guy who doesn't have the same sense of humor as you, but you could also consider he might just not be a great texter. Sometimes, he might just be busy, and that was the best response you could get at the time, but if this happens all the time it's understandable that you'd get frustrated before long.

5 Drunk Texts

[caption id="attachment_12688" align="alignnone" width="852"] via: shutterstock.com[/caption]

We all know that if the guy only ever texts you when he's drunk, it's a huge red flag. The chances of him just being too insecure to text you when he's sober are quite slim. Rather, his inhibitions are obviously looser when he drinks, and he's just throwing tester texts out there to a bunch of girls to see who might be down for a hook-up. If that's all you were looking for two, then great, but if you're hoping for a serious relationship with this guy, you might have to reevaluate your expectations.

4 "Send Pics."

[caption id="attachment_12685" align="alignnone" width="980"] via: .redbookmag.com[/caption]

Depending on how close you are with this guy, 'send pics' can either be creepy or kind of sweet that he wants to see what you look like that day. These texts get a bad rap because often guys are just looking for nude pictures, and understandably, this can be deemed really disrespectful by the recipient. Another problem with these texts is guys will often ask for them long before you've established a close enough relationship to warrant them.

3 He Starts a Conversation Then Disappears

[caption id="attachment_12689" align="alignnone" width="900"] via: manrepeller.com[/caption]

One of the all-time most frustrating text conversations to have with a guy is when he texts you, and you reply, and then you just don't hear from him again. This is so annoying because it's often really exciting to hear from the guy you like, and when he can't be bothered to send more than one text, it's pretty offensive. Obviously, you don't want to read too far into things that could be nothing, but it's also unfair of the guy to get your hopes up about connecting with him for him then to just disappear after he initiates a conversation.

2 He Doesn't Answer Your Questions

[caption id="attachment_12691" align="alignnone" width="1000"] via: dailymenhealth.com[/caption]

It's always nice when a person shows interest in your life, but it can also be awkward when they won't answer questions about themselves in return. Perhaps they're just trying not to seem self-centered, but it can also come across as them hiding something. If they're always trying to distract you by asking you several questions about your own life and when you asked the same questions in return, and they don't answer them, it can get really frustrating and it can also make you suspicious of what they're hiding.

1 Texts With Plenty of Errors or Too Many Abbreviations

[caption id="attachment_12692" align="alignnone" width="980"] via: seventeen.com[/caption]

We all make mistakes sometimes, and sometimes our fingers are just moving too fast and we end up sending a regrettable text error. For many of us, poor grammar and spelling is really unattractive, often to the point of a deal breaker. If a guy can't be bothered to spell things correctly or use punctuation in his texts to you, it might be really frustrating for you, and that's understandable. Oftentimes, if the person you're texting with notices you use proper spelling and grammar, they'll be more inclined to pay closer attention to what they type, too. If the person's poor spelling and grammar is the only thing you can find to complain about,  it's probably worth trying to get over it because in the grand scheme of things, there are a lot more important qualities to look for than their spelling.

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