There are teas formulated specifically for dieters and bottled diet teas that are supposed to help dieters reduce their calorie intake. Both types of diet teas have their pros and cons, but are they worth it in the end for people who want to lose weight?

LiveStrong says no. Diet teas and slimming teas have not been proven to help with weight loss at all. In some instances, they might even make you put on a few pounds or make you sick.

Aren't natural teas safe, you might ask. Just because a diet tea is labelled as all natural does not mean that it is safe. Some of the natural ingredients can be harmful, especially if you are allergic to them or if you are taking them in large quantities.

Green tea, for example, is believed to boost metabolism and possibly help burn fat. It is one of the most popular diet teas on the market that can be taken as a liquid or in capsule form. What most people don't know is that bottled green tea has fewer health benefits than home brewed tea.

Also, special tea mixes for dieters can contain harmful, although natural, laxatives and high amounts of caffeine to assist with weight loss.

13 Extreme Stomach Cramps

There are many different brands of diet tea, but one seems to be getting a lot of attention after its Instagram profile was removed. A young woman, Madeleine Macintyre, age 18, drank SkinnyMe tea and experienced stomach pains. The Sydney Morning Herald reported her saying that, ''Out of nowhere I got stomach cramps and they were so bad I was in tears every time I tried to lie down from the pain. My doctor told me my body had gone into mild shock.'' Madeleine complained to SkinnyMe on Instagram, but they ignored her complaints and their page was removed. SkinnyMe has since opened a new Instagram account, allowing users to post before and after pictures.

12 Low in Antioxidants

Antioxidants help slow down or prevent cell damage in our bodies. Found in fruits and vegetables, freshly brewed green tea is also rich in antioxidants. Diet bottled green tea is, however, a different story. Diet green teas are brewed long before we ever get to drink them. A study in 2001 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong found that hot green tea provides the highest amounts of antioxidants. After seven hours have past, that same tea loses about 20 percent of its antioxidants. Teas brewed days before consumers drink it have far fewer antioxidants in them than fresh brewed tea.

11 Liver Damage

Senna is an herb found in some slimming and detox teas. It is used to treat constipation and it is added to teas as a laxative. Occasional use of this herb is fine and the FDA approves of senna as a non prescriptive laxative. There is no proof, however, that senna promotes weight loss. Furthermore, excessive use of the herb, such as using it for more than two weeks, can cause liver damage.

10 Racing Heartbeat

There are many people who suffer from the jitters and a racing heartbeat when they consume caffeine. Others only have this experience when they consume a large quantity of caffeine. While many people believe that caffeine helps them lose weight, there are no scientific studies that prove this belief. Diet and slimming teas often have one or more stimulant in them. These stimulants include caffeine, ma huang, and guarana. If taken on an empty stomach, they can produce temporary effects on your heart and cause you to feel jumpy.

9 Chronic Constipation

Some diet teas contain what are known as bulk fibers, such as methylcellulose, agar, and psyllium. These ingredients make the drinker feel full, but they can also act as a laxative. If they are used over a long period of time, they can cause chronic constipation and bloating. They can interfere with your body’s natural elimination process and cause problems down the road.

8 Dizziness

It does not matter if you drink slimming tea on an empty stomach or on a full stomach. One of the side effects it can cause is dizziness. If you are trying out diet tea for the first time, avoid drinking it while you are driving or before you do have to drive in case you experience this symptom. It is also recommended that you continue to eat a healthy diet while you are taking slimming teas and to use the teas sparingly, not as a replacement for food.

7 Dehydration

The laxatives found in some slimming teas can cause your body to quickly eliminate foods and liquids. It does not decrease the amount of calories your body is able to absorb. Instead, the constant, rapid elimination of essential vitamins and fluids can cause dehydration and cramping. Instead of drinking a tea with laxatives in it, the safer way to move food through your body is to make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.

6 Beaver's Bum

Oh yum! A hot cup of raspberry flavored tea sounds delicious, doesn’t it? But first, check the ingredients for castoreum or artificial flavorings. Castoreum is an ingredient used to make the artificial raspberry flavoring and it comes from a beaver’s anal gland. Besides raspberry tea, it is used to flavor gelatin, fruit drinks, yogurts, and some of the cheaper ice creams.

5 Artificial Sweeteners

Most diet bottled teas contain artificial sweeteners. Research shows that artificial sweeteners can increase the dieter’s appetite and can help contribute to weight gain, two things that dieters are trying to avoid. Instead of drinking diet tea, brew your own green tea and sweeten it with a natural sweetener. Slowly ween yourself off of sugary flavors by reducing the amount of sweetener you use each week or squeeze a wedge of orange or lemon into the tea as a natural citrus sweetener.

4 Can Worsen Hemorrhoids

There are many ingredients that can go into slimming and detox teas. One ingredient is usually a laxative, such as aloe. Aloe is a plant that has been used since antiquity as a medicinal herb. People commonly apply it to sunburn to help soothe the pain. Aloe can also be ingested in small amounts as a natural laxative. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you will want to avoid ingesting aloe and will need to make sure than your tea’s ingredients do not list it on the packaging. Ingesting aloe when you have hemorrhoids can worsen the condition.

3 Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common reactions to slimming and detox teas. There are many ingredients in these tea combinations that can produce queasiness. If the tea that you are drinking makes you feel sick, it is best to quit using it. Try a different brand or switch to drinking unsweetened green tea as part of your diet.

2 Severe Diarrhea

Because there are laxatives added to diet and detox teas, some people experience severe diarrhea and loose stools while drinking them. If the tea you are drinking gives you the runs, it is best to quit drinking it or simply only drink it when you are experiencing constipation. Continuous diarrhea can lead to dehydration and prevent your body from absorbing the essential minerals and vitamins it needs to be healthy.

1 Pee Tea

The caffeine in tea is what makes you pee a lot. As a diuretic, you need to drink plenty of water when you are using diet tea to prevent dehydration. If you feel that you are peeing way too much, you can switch from drinking diet or green tea to drinking white tea. White tea has more metabolism boosting chemicals in it, called catechins, than green tea. White tea also has less caffeine in it than green.

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