When you imagine people who practice mindfulness, it is easy to see someone in a beautiful nature scene, sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed while meditating. This is not necessarily the only way to practice mindfulness, and in terms, gratitude.

Find ways to practice mindfulness and gratitude in your day-to-day life to reap the happy rewards of your existence. Here are 10 tips for making these practices habits.

10 Regulate Your Breathing

Having the tools to be mindful of your breathing can add a lot of positivity to your life as it works as an incredibly cool for find calm. Many people continue in a state of stress without being mindful of it, and the muscle tension that is caused by unregulated breathing.

Taking a few deep breathes and even doing some stretches to open up your chest are easy ways to be mindful of your physical state, how it affects your emotions and therefore your actions.

Related: Stretches To Promote Healthy Breathing

9 Journal Why You Are Grateful

Gratitude might not be natural for all people, especially getting into the habit of practicing it. The easiest go-to way that psychologists and social media users rave about is journaling.

A 5-minute gratitude journal has been trending as a favorite way to practice gratitude and mindfulness because the prompts it contains helps provoke thoughts and feelings. Plus, the 5-minute factor is more motivating to make time for your mental health.

Related: What Does Gratitude Do For Your Life

8 Be Mindful Of Your Emotions

If you are someone who struggles with emotional regulation, meaning you feel extremes of happiness or sadness regularly, be mindful when these moments occur.

Welcome the emotions, bottling them up will not give you control. Let yourself feel, and evaluate what brought them on. Being able to let yourself feel, and later take inventory of them will give you data and skills to manage your emotions with time.

7 Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts

Have you ever experienced your thoughts spiraling out of control? One negative thought leads to another, and suddenly you feel overwhelmed and lost.

You are not alone, this is a common experience. One way to combat it is learning to be mindful when thoughts come and pass, and the skill of mindfulness and meditation is to let those thoughts pass, don't follow them.

6 Give Meditation A Try

Meditation gives you the power to not follow your rapid thoughts as they speed past you, it is the power to let them pass and stay focused on the moment. There is probably no such thing as a clear mind, but it is possible to control your mind.

Being mindful when your thoughts come and go, and when they arise gives you more control and autonomy to feel at peace instead of a victim to your mind.

Related: What Is Mindfulness And How To Incorporate It

5 Get Lost In A Hobby

Practice being present, and grateful for the joyful moment, by getting lost in a hobby. Hobbies are so underrated among adults due to busy schedules and responsibilities, but adults need playtime too, to feel creative and free.

Make time at least once a week to do a hobby that you love, either alone or with friends. Whatever helps you to get lost and be present with the moment.

4 Be Present

Practice being present, or mindful, daily. It doesn't have to be a 20-minute meditation, it can be simply feeling the ground under your feet and appreciating the sun on your face as you breathe in the moment.

You can practice being present while outside, laying in bed and feeling cozy, enjoying time with others, or time alone. Every moment is the right moment to feel present, even at work it can be helpful for being productive, focused and getting things done. 

3 Disconnect From Obligations

During the daily hustle, being present does not look the same as taking moments to yourself. When you close your laptop for the day and finish your life admin, make time to just enjoy the moment, whether that be staring at the wall while drinking a tea or doing a hobby.

Equally important is deciding to let go of your obligations to make time for yourself, on weekends for example. Take a day trip, and leave the work phone at home. If you go on vacation, try even just leaving your phone at the hotel and really connecting with relaxation.

2 Give Yourself What You Need

Be mindful of what you need, that could mean your body needs rest in order to be productive, or you really need some chocolate.

Don't restrict your needs, listen to your body. For example, if you made plans to go out but your body is telling you to rest and stay home, don't feel bad to do what is best for you. Self-care is the most important thing for feeling happy and capable of being your best.

1 Practice Savouring

Savouring is the act of stepping back in a moment and reminding yourself to live in it. The act of taking an extra 30 seconds to say "I feel so good, I feel full of joy," allows your brain to make deeper connections to moments and gratitude. Plus it exercises mindfulness to be aware of the warm and fuzzy feelings of joy.

Next: What Is Meditation And How To Make It A Practice

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