Some days are better than others, but every day is a good day to stay positive. Even on the bad days, remember that you are the one who has the power to bring yourself back up again.

When things get tough, you feel stressed or frustrated remember to practice self-care and take a step back. Sometimes the best way to feel better is simply taking a break, dropping something that isn't working and coming back to it later.

Learn technics to take care of yourself always, but especially in difficult moments. For those days that are a little extra hard, reference these 1o positive thoughts that you can meditate on and help bring yourself back up again.

Consider this a tool when you need a daily mantra for a boost of positivity.

10 You Are Enough

Yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day after that you are always going to be enough. There is never a day that your existence is not vital, and sometimes you just need to remember that everything you are doing is enough.

Especially if people are telling you to do more with your life, or you are getting tired of the hustler mentality, just remember that you have a right to find a new pace - anything you choose to do is enough.

9 Your Feelings Are Valid

Everyone has been gaslit at least once in their life, and probably a lot more after that. Other than recognizing gaslighting when it happens, do remember that you are allowed to feel how you feel about something or a situation.

If you have a gut reaction, you have to trust it and learn from it. Your feelings are always valid as long as you are being conscious of other people's feelings too.

8 This Too Shall Pass

On one of those days where everything just seems to be going wrong, remember that this too shall pass. Nothing is permanent, the good nor the bad, so when you have a good day remember to savor it, and on the bad ones remember that this too shall pass.

When things get tough, it can be hard to see things too far in the future, but time is forgiving and life goes on.

7 Emotions Are Fluid

Challenge yourself to keep track of all the different emotions you feel in a day - this is hard to do and there are a lot of changes. Just in one day, you might feel happy, sad, mad, annoyed, confident, or self-conscious, all in a couple of hours.

How you feel right now will not be how you feel later, that is just how emotions work - so remember that you are more than your emotions.

6 For Every Bad Day, You Get Two Good Ones

This is more of a folktale saying, but it helps get through a tough day and a reminder that not every day is bad. It happens to everyone, a bad day, and when it occurs just let yourself have what you need. For some people that might mean taking some alone time, and for others, it might mean skipping the gym and going out to dinner.

On a bad day, remember not every day will feel this way, and do what you can to make it better for yourself because you have the power to do that.

5 Everything Happens For A Reason

It might not always feel like it, but everything happens for a reason. You didn't get that job promotion, because there is a better opportunity out there waiting for you. You decided to quit one project, so you can make room for a new one that is better serves you.

There is no good or bad, just silver linings.

Related: 10 Ways To Be More Positive Everyday

4 Greet Your Ego With Self-Awareness

In those moments where you get an ego check, just remember that you are learning to become more and more self-aware each day. When your ego is checked, it is an opportunity to become more self-aware, and that is a form of adulting, and some might say peace.

Related: 10 Questions To Check Your Ego

3 Let Go Of Things You Cannot Control

There is no point stressing over things that you simply cannot control - there is nothing you can do which might make you feel stressed, but find solace in it instead. Focus on what you can control, and in general, let go of the idea that everything has to go according to plan.

You don't need to be a perfectionist to be happy, and not every day has to be perfect either.

2 You Deserve To Feel Happy Everyday

Remember that you always deserve happiness, not a day goes by that you don't deserve to not feel happy. Even on a bad day, try to find one reason to smile. Practicing gratitude is a skill you can practice every day so that you have a reservoir of positivity when you need it.

1 Rest Is Productive

Don't feel guilty about needing to get some rest, sometimes it is more productive to stop what you are doing and pick it up again later after a rest.

Rest allows you to reset, whether it be from a bad mood, a moment of stress or simply because you are tired. Rest is productive, it is not something to feel guilty about.

Next: Choose Rest To Be Productive And Get Work Done 

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