Arguably the most anticipated season of the year among young people is here, summer. Why do people look forward to summer so much? Naturally, students are finished with exams and have some time off, but what about young working adults? They still have to go in 9 to 5.

But still, young people look forward to summer for the vibes. From weekend getaways, taking a long-awaited vacation and the public events such as festivals and farmer's markets bring people out. There is this general pride in celebrating hot girl summer and living your best life. 

It could be days with more sunlight that get people motivated to wake up earlier and stay out later, or the change in weather making people more willing to take a rest.

Here are 10 lifestyle changes to make this summer for living well, easy and enjoying time to yourself. 

10 Wake Up Earlier

Even if you are not a morning person, it is easier to wake up earlier in the summer because the sun comes out earlier. In the winter, waking up in the dark is super difficult, but when the sun is out it makes it a whole lot easier for you to be up too.

When you wake up earlier, you make more time in your schedule for yourself from self-care, spending time enjoying the morning and summoning the energy for the day slowly instead of rushing.

Related: The Perfect Morning Routine This Summer

9 Have A Morning Routine

Having a routine is helpful for finding a balance, mostly for your wellness and wellbeing. As the day can take its turns, having a morning routine ensures that you do everything for yourself that you need, before starting the day.

Then, you have the rest of the day to take care of business, be productive and even have some fun.

8 Change Your Workout Schedule

In the summer heat, there is no way that you can go for a run during your lunch hour anymore. Find a new time workout that is not in the blasting sun, or head indoors to the gym for the season.

Summer is also a great time to join a rec league sports team, or even try a new sport like beach volleyball or swimming.

7 Eat Seasonal Foods

Eating seasonal foods has dietary benefits, as the food is more locally sourced it cuts out room for nasty pesticides, and it is generally cheaper to eat in season. Of course, seasonal foods are also more delicious.

Head down to the farmers market for some fresh seasonal fruits and veggies, and get creative in the kitchen with some summer recipes.

6 Switched To Iced Drinks

Goodbye hot coffee and tea, it is time to officially switch to iced drinks. Stay cool this summer with an iced coffee, it feels good to drink and will make you feel briskly awake, not just for the caffeine but the cool temperatures.

Get creative with cold drinks like teas, lemonades and even fun cocktails.

Related: 10 Ways To Stay Cool This Summer

5 Take Time Off

Society seems to always slow down a bit in the summer, with the heat and all the fun activities going on, it is the perfect time to take time off. Don't feel bad about cashing in on that PTO, even if you just need a mental health day and a three-day weekend to do nothing but relax.

Take time off this summer and don't feel guilty about it.

4 Don't Start New Projects

That being said about taking time off, do slow things down. Even though it is tempting to start new projects at work or in your personal life, try to avoid it. Other than having a health and wellness plan that helps you feel your best, the rest can wait till September.

Slow down your professional life to a pace that is comfortable for finding a work-life balance. 

3 Plan Weekend Getaways

Take advantage of good weather and longer days to take day trips or even weekend getaways. Leave Friday after work and come back Sunday evening - get out of town.

From going to the beach to heading to the lake, there is always a sweet escape nearby and now has never been a better time. Especially if you can't go on a full-blown vacation this year, take a long weekend or two.

2 Go To Events

Summer is buzzing with many community and public events. From farmer's markets to street markets, concerts in the park and full-on festivals, there is a bustle of events happening in the summer months.

Let the events motivate you to get out there and make plans, life is waiting to be lived and events are just one way to take advantage of it.

1 Take Advantage Of The Daylight

Summer is about long days, waking up earlier and going home later, meaning after work take the initiative to do more things like go to a workout group in the park or meet with friends. Get motivated by the daylight to embrace summer, have fun and take care of yourself.

Finding a balance is super important in summer, and it is okay if that balance leans more towards pleasure than work.

Next: 10 Ways To Live Your Best Life This Summer

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