Did you know that stretching is something you should be doing every day?

In all aspects of life, from sleeping, sitting and even getting a workout, your muscles build tension that causes them to lose elasticity over time. Stretching daily elongates your muscles and helps you maintain muscle movement as you age. It also helps you maintain a good posture, and regulate breathing if you coordinate your breath to the stretch.

No matter how you move your body each day, from getting in your 10,000 steps to doing a full-on HIIT workout, here are 10 stretches you should do every day to maintain your health and feel your best.

10 Side Arm Stretch

Whether you choose to do this stretch from a seated position, or from a modified side-plank, the idea is the same: it feels good to stretch your arm over your head in the opposite direction.

From both a seated or plank position, it allows you to build tension in the side shoulder in a way that elongates this tight area. Don't forget to repeat on both sides!

9 Elbow Grabs

Open up your chest by simply reaching towards your back with one hand, and gently pressing it down via your elbow, with the other hand. You should feel this in the lower shoulder that connects to your back.

To extend this stretch to open up the chest, challenge yourself to instead grab the hand that is on your back with your other hand, creating a twist. If you can't grab all the way, simply reach and hold, you will feel it either way.

8 Back Twists

Twists do wonders for opening up your entire body including the core and even helping with digestion or bloating. There are a lot of ways you can do a twist, such as from a standing position, reaching with a flat back towards your toes or knees and then lifting one arm to the side and following it with your head to form a twist.

You can also twist from a seated position by simply closing your legs and twisting in the opposite direction. Although the most comfortable twist is from laying on your back, one leg to the side and looking in the opposite direction.

7 Child Pose

Child's pose is a classic for both yoga and pilates classes. Find a kneeling position, then simply walk forward with your hands until your body is completely touching the mat with your hands reaching out as far as possible in front of you.

You can extend this move by reaching both hands to one side of the mat at a time for a deeper unilateral stretch.

6 Lunge From Knee

Lunges are great for opening up your hips in general, but a lunge from your knee is particularly helpful for opening up all of your lower body muscles.

From your hips to your hamstrings you will feel this stretch on both sides of your body. Remember that it should not be painful and to change the distance between your front foot and knee if the tension is too intense.

Related: 10 Yoga Poses To Open Up Your Hips

5 Downward Dog

Downward dog does so many good things for your body, and in addition to being a great stretch, it is also a strengthening exercise.

From a standing position, take your hands to the ground while maintaining a flat black, then walk out to a downward dog. Move your heels up and down to find the perfect V shape with your body. You should feel it in your shoulders, back and hamstrings.

Related: 10 Yoga Poses To Open Up Your Hamstrings

4 Warrior 1 & 2

Warrior 1 and 2 are great for opening up your hips, and also elongating your body. Not many stretches simply involve you pushing your feet away from the ground and reaching for the sky, the warrior poses emphasize this importance while stretching your hips and strengthening your legs.

Remember to keep your knee above your heel, and wear a crown on top of your head for good posture.

3 Posture Stretches

Whether you sit at a desk all day or you are simply guilty about looking down at your phone, everyone needs to remember to correct their posture daily.

From a seated position, literally on a chair, you can twist from side to side with a flat back. reach from side to side to open up your body, or do reach back to open up the chest. Don't forget to do some neck rolls to help with stiffness.

2 Toe Touch

A good ol' toe touch is a great way to maintain your flexibility and wake up your body. From a standing position reach down to the ground with a flat back. It is okay if you can't touch your toes right away, reach for your knees.

Use your breath to challenge yourself to get lower and lower with time.

1 Cat & Cow Post

The cat-cow pose is one of the best ways to wake up your back in the morning. From a table-top position, curve your spin into your stomach and look down, then exhale and lower your stomach as low as possible and lookup.

See the video for reference, but this will become your first move of the day for how great it feels on your back.

Next: 10 Yoga Poses For Full Body Toning

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