Go onto social media these days and you'll quickly see that Scott Disick doesn't seem to be doing so well. If you're a massive fan of the Kardashian-Jenner clan (which you probably are), then it probably breaks your heart that the former Mr. Kourtney Kardashian is going through a tough time. Anyone who has struggled in some ways (aka anyone who is human)  knows that life is a series of ups and downs and that is true whether you are famous or not. Unfortunately, celebrities seem to get the worse end of the deal since they can't suffer in silence or private. Nope. Everyone is going to talk about what they're going through and put their two cents in. You're going to do the same thing since let's face it, you're worried about Scott and you want to know what's happening. It's because you care so much. Here are 15 signs that Scott Disick is spiralling out of control.

15 He And Kourtney Aren't Together

You definitely want Kourtney and Scott to be together, and it really sucks that they're not. There was a bit of a false alarm recently where you thought that things were finally going to work out between them. After all, after they broke up had been hanging out as a family with their kids and going on vacations and even shopping, and so it seemed like it was only a matter of time before they reunited. Sadly, that reunion didn't last and now they're both single. It seems like when things were going well in Scott's life, he was in a long-term relationship with Kourtney. So when you think about it like that, then it definitely seems like it's a bad thing that the two of them have gone their separate ways. You're not the only fan who can't believe that they can't just admit how they feel and stay a couple for real this time.

14 He's Got A New Girl Every Five Seconds

It's impossible to think about Scott Disick and not realize that the guy is seriously becoming a serial dater these days. And that's probably a huge understatement. He seems to be dating someone new every five seconds. One minute he's with a model, the next he's with an actress, and the next he's with a model again because he seems to have a thing for models. It's not a good sign that he can't stop dating different people every two seconds. Nope. Definitely not. If he was in a good place in his life, then he would be with Kourtney (yup, you're not going to stop dreaming about that). Or at the very least, he would be trying to find something else long-term because if it's true that he and Kourtney really aren't meant to be, then it's possible that he could find someone else to fall in love with. You don't get this serial dating.

13 His Exes Are Speaking Out

It seems like every time Scott stops dating one girl, she tells the media that she can't believe his lifestyle. His exes are all speaking out these days and saying that he's partying way too hard and that he's drinking way too much. It's no secret that things don't seem to be going very well in his world right now. You wish that wasn't the case because you love the Kardashians and the Jenners and you love Scott too since he was with Kourtney and she's secretly (or maybe not-so-secretly) your favorite Kardashian. If Scott wasn't actually partying, it wouldn't really make sense for these girls to fib and say that he was because it's not the best thing to lie about. Well, of course you shouldn't really be lying about anything, but pretending that a celebrity is living in a negative way is not something that should be played around with.

12 He Kissed 8 Girls In One Evening

Yup. Well, at least according to the rumor mill, but in this case, it seems like the rumors are probably true (or at least something close to the truth). Apparently, Scott kissed eight girls in one evening when he was partying in Cannes recently. If that's not a sign that he's spiralling out of control, what would be?! You're not reading about Kourtney kissing eight guys in one evening... or anyone else, really. It's just not really a thing that most people would even want to do. People are saying that Scott is pretty much straight-up addicted to dating as many women as possible and you can say that you think that's probably what's going on here. You just have one question: doesn't he miss Kourtney? Doesn't he miss his family? What about his family life? You think that he must and that he wants to get back together with her, and you wish that he would admit that.

11 He's Been Dating Younger Girls

This is not something that works in Scott's favor. He's in his mid-30s now and he's dating younger girls, some of whom are even 18 or under the age of 20, and that's honestly not a good sign. He should be dating Kourtney. She's his age. She's more his style. And if he's not going to date her for whatever reason (even though that totally and completely breaks your heart), you think that he should date someone his own age. If he would date women who were in their 30s, you would be totally fine with that. You really don't get why he's dating younger people. He can absolutely date anyone that he wants since he's cute and he's a celebrity, and he seems to go out a lot and meet a lot of people. Why can't he focus on his own age group? What's the problem there? You just don't get it and it seriously makes you shake your head.

10 He Celebrated His 34th Birthday In Vegas

Sure, lots of people celebrate their birthdays in Las Vegas. It's kind of a thing. People also celebrate all kinds of things in that magical and crazy place, and of course people get married there, too. But if Scott is currently getting all kinds of negative press for his partying and all of the girls that he's dating, should he really celebrate his 34th birthday in Vegas of all places? It seems like he might want to lay low, at least for a little while, and figure some things out. This is honestly just giving people yet another negative thing to talk about and it doesn't seem like the best idea. But, well, this is what happened. He celebrated his birthday in Vegas and he keeps partying and that's just the way that it seems to be going. You definitely have a lot of questions and there don't seem to be any answers floating around.

9 He's Partying Internationally

Just Google Scott Disick and you will read headlines about Scott partying in Europe. So it's safe to say that he's not only partying in the U.S. but also internationally. And that must be a bad sign, right? It seems like he's running away from something or that he's searching for something. That's what a lot of people who have some kind of addiction do. They can't stay home or stay still. They always want to be in motion and they always need to be doing something that will give them a rush or a high or whatever you want to call it. You feel badly for Scott because you can tell that he's struggling and that he's partying way too much. There's also the fact that he doesn't seem to care that people keep talking about how much he's partying. You just have to ask, what is going on? And is it going to continue this way?

8 People Say It's All To Make Kourtney Jealous

Yup, this is really a thing. People are saying that Kourtney is dating around just to make Scott jealous and that he is doing the exact same thing. Honestly, you have no idea if this is true or false. It does seem like if Kourtney still holds a candle for her ex, then she would be super jealous of how many girls he's dating these days, since there's no way that she wouldn't be. But maybe this is pushing her further away and she's pretty disgusted. You can totally see her thinking that way, too. You don't really think that Kourtney is dating just to make him jealous. You figure she's probably dating because she wants to fall in love again and spend her life with someone, and of course things went south with Scott. Why shouldn't she date? Why shouldn't she have fun? You are totally on board with her dating life. You just think that Scott needs to slow down.

7 He Doesn't Seem To Be Slowing Down

If Scott had been partying and dating up a storm for most of 2017 but decided last week to slow down and be by himself for a while, then there would be absolutely no problem. People can definitely change and everyone makes mistakes, even celebrities. Okay, especially celebrities. Sorry famous people, no offense meant, but you do seem to get into trouble sometimes. But the thing with Scott is that you keep reading... and reading... and reading about him dating new girls and drinking and that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. You really don't know if he's going to stop this kind of behavior, and you honestly wonder what Kourtney thinks about the whole thing. Is she reaching out to him? Is she still talking to him? Is he still seeing the kids? There are so many things that you want to know.

6 This Is Not How A Dad Should Behave

Sorry Scott... but this is the honest and complete truth. A dad shouldn't be going off to Vegas and drinking too much and kissing eight girls in one evening and dating mostly models and dating younger girls. A dad just shouldn't act this way. You're not saying that Scott doesn't care about his kids and want to be a good father. You're not even saying that he's not a good father. You know that the is because you can tell when you see him and Kourtney with the kids. There have been so many instances where it seems like they really are one big happy family and like it's only a matter of time before they reunite and everything is all right in their worlds once again. You wonder if he thinks about his role as a father and if he realizes that all of this partying isn't the best idea. It's a question that needs to be answered.

5 He Seems Unhappy

Just look at any photo of Scott Disick and you will see that he absolutely does not look happy. Not at all. Not even remotely close to happy. That proves that he's spiralling out of control because if he was super happy, then he wouldn't seem otherwise. And if he was having a good time, of course, he probably wouldn't be dating so many girls and drinking so much. People that are content with their lives and where they are and what's going on don't tend to party that much. They just don't. They have careers and things to focus on, and those things are much more positive than drinking up a storm. Just saying. If a celebrity is unhappy, you can be sure that the media is going to talk about it, and that everyone is going to wonder what is happening and if things are going to change for the better.

4 He Doesn't Seem To Mind The Bad Press

Here's a People magazine headline: "Scott Disick Arrives Back in L.A. After Partying in Europe as Source Calls It a ‘Good Sign’." Here's a Daily Mail headline: "Scott Disick cuddles up to a topless woman in London." And those are just a few. Yeah, those don't really seem like positive headlines. Nope, they're not that positive at all. Do you think that a celebrity wants to read that they have been partying 24/7 and that people think that they're hanging out with a topless woman? Come on, Scott, let's stop with all of the women. But how does Scott feel about all of the super negative press that has been circulating about him lately? You have to wonder if he even reads the stories, let alone cares at all. It seems like he really couldn't care less and that all he wants to do is keep partying and keep going.

3 People Wonder About Addiction

You know when that term starts getting thrown around, things are pretty bad, and that's exactly what is happening here. People definitely think it's pretty strange that he keep dating so many different girls and that everything seems to be a one-night (or one-day?) stand. Seriously, every time that you turn around or go online, you read about someone else that this guy is dating. There have been quite a few male celebrities who have been diagnosed with a condition where they are addicted to hooking up and they end up going to rehab. They're able to live better lives after they leave and so you figure that could happen. But hey, you don't really know if this is true or not. You don't know him and you don't want to make any grand accusations. All you can say is that the fact that people are wondering about this proves that he's s

2 There Is Speculation About Rehab

When people start throwing the word "rehab" around about a celebrity, you know that it's usually going in that direction. People are definitely wondering if Scott is headed for a rehab stay and you have to admit that it seems like he might do that pretty soon. If the rumors are actually true, then he's not only addicted to dating (and hooking up) but also drinking and partying. You don't want that life for him or for anyone else because that's just very painful and very negative. You wish that Scott would go to rehab if that's what needs to happen so he can come out and be a better person, dad, and possible partner to Kourtney once again. You don't want to see anyone have a rough time in life or suffer in any way, and it's hard to keep reading the news and seeing photos of Scott partying when you know that he could get help and feel much better.

1 The Kardashians Are Concerned

Of course they are, right?! The Kardashians are an incredibly tight-knit group and they believe that family comes first. But they don't make that statement in the super lame and annoying way that a lot of people say it. It's not like they refuse to help other people or have any friends that aren't related to them. Instead, they care about their own and look after each other. When Khloe's soon-to-be-ex-husband Lamar Odom was going through that horrible medical issue a while ago, Khloe and her family rallied around him. It didn't matter that Khloe and Lamar were no longer together. All that mattered was that he was family once and they were going to be there for him. The same thing is going on right now with Scott. The Kardashians seem to be pretty concerned about him and they don't like where things are going. All you can say is that you hope that things work out for him and that they can help him see the light. And oh yeah, if they can convince Kourtney and Scott to get back together, you would be okay with that, too.

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