Rumor has it that 2017 is going to be a rough ride. The real question here is, what do you do when life gets extra crazy? The answer: you hold onto Twitter. Trust social media and know that it will always have the answer to whatever you’re going through. Because it does. And this article is proof. Good luck to all of us this year! May we all have enough peace to keep us sane for next year and may Trump not screw up that much. Aside from funny cat photos and memes about cheating partners, politician gifs are also great at making the Internet a more fun place to check out. So let’s take on 2017 with a pocketful of tweets and excessive amounts of coffee! Believe in yourself and know that whatever happens, we all got social media. Seriously, even if nothing major happens, we all turn to social media to make life speeches anyway. Why not make the most of it and use Twitter to help us survive 2017?

15 Dealing With Imposter Syndrome

Are you the type of person who does everything in her power to be unique? And who hates it when someone else copies her? We feel you. At one point or another, we all stumble upon someone who copies us, and it’s pretty annoying. Can’t these people find their own voice? And can't they just do their own thing? On days like this, Tracy Clayton’s tweet is a perfect read. Impostors and copycats can get to us pretty easily. That being said, we need humor. Also, we need a reminder that no matter what we do, someone out there is going to copy us. Maybe a friend or a jealous co-worker. Who knows? So, instead of being too stressed out about this, remember that it happens even to the best people in the world, like Michelle Obama. And even she wasn’t able to do anything. Melania already copied that speech. Just think about it that way, will you?

14 Wishing For Better Things In Life

Better things like a longer arm. Or a better selfie. Or a group selfie. Pretty much anything better in life. Remember, there’s no such thing as having everything that you want. Sometimes, we just have to give up other things in order to acquire something bigger and better. It’s not always easy but that’s how life works. Just imagine if Bradley said yes to a longer arm and had some super rare surgery. Imagine what his career would look like. He’d probably have to give his career up because no one wants to work with someone who has super long arms. Which is why they invented monopods. Now we can have good selfies and group selfies too! But there are still tons of things we can’t have, even in a modern era like 2017. Just have a little more faith in technology, okay? We’re sure they’ll figure things out. In the meantime, show Ellen’s photo some love.

13 Figuring Out The Mechanics Of Dating

Haven’t you figured this out yet? Yeah, we haven't either. Dating is super complicated and we usually get pretty confused about it. Most of you are still probably very confused despite the fact that you’ve already dated five men since January 1. (Yes, we’re looking at you…) Why not tweet any of your love and dating related questions? Believe it or not, people are more willing to answer dating questions and give tips and advice for, um, a better dating experience. Twitter is also the place for definitions of all kind. If you’re not grasping this dating thing, feel free to hop on the Twitter train to find the answer. Oh yeah, we found a good answer for you. Apparently, you can also consider dating a form of research. So if you dated someone and you’re confused about why it's not working out, then the answer is that you need to do more research. There. Don't you feel much better?!

12 Living Life In General

What can beat this tweet about life? Nothing. Martha Stewart just won The Best Life Tweet. Life can be a little crazy sometimes and when that happens, you have to learn how to transform and be the winner. Learn to fight, try super hard, hustle, and follow your dreams. Now doesn’t that sound like a great plan? Geez, if only we can do exactly that. Of course, we don't want to act exactly like dogs since that would be a bit gross, but needless to say, know that you can fight life and win if you have to. Trust Martha Stewart. And trust her dogs. When you let out your emotions, it can either be rainbows or confetti or blood. Either way, know that all of those would work. Nobody said you can’t have blood in your mouth, right? You’re a warrior and you know how to win a good game. Never forget that.

11 Feeling Hopeless

Halloween is definitely the best holiday of the year! When you’re sick and tired of dealing with life in a serious manner and when you feel like you’re totally done with adulting, know that there are other ways to survive 2017. Just try to stay positive and look forward to yet another good Halloween. All Halloweens are good, anyway. This is one of the best ways to carry yourself to tomorrow when today feels so heavy. Keep thinking about the craziest things people are willing to do just to win Best in Costume. When you thought celebrating Halloween as a mustard is already weird enough, then you saw someone in a ketchup costume. Then suddenly, life felt okay. It felt normal. Focus on that. Have hope on the costumes. This year, you might want to be Ken Bone. Or Pikachu. Keep in mind that no matter how screwy 2017 may seem to be, Halloween this year will surely remain hot and fun.

10 Appreciating The Little Things

We don’t know what 2017 has in store for us, but one thing we should all be certain of is that it is going to be filled with small things. Small things that will annoy us, that will change our lives, that will have a massive impact on society… and sometimes, small things that aren’t really so small. Like a great dane. It’s not so small but like any other dog, it makes life seem easier. It makes the crappy days feel more manageable. And let’s admit it, sometimes we’re too stressed out all we want to do is lay in bed and wait for death. But we can’t because our furry friends are already in our bed and they’re not fans of sharing. Also, dogs are only a few of the many little things that we need to learn to appreciate. With them, we’re reminded we’re not so dumb after all (because we all need such a kind of reminder.) Pretty neat, huh?

9 When You're Not Sure How Life Works

If you think you learned a ton about life in 2016, it's time to think again. 2017 is so different you might feel you were born just yesterday. Or maybe it’s not. Maybe 2017 is pretty much the same as 2016 and you're the one who didn't learn anything from last year. Or the year before that. So here's the thing: we're here to help and we found this tweet for you. This is how your day will be like, weekday or weekend. Whether you’re rich or broke, single or taken, you will experience this every single day of your entire 2017. Don’t worry, we’re not laughing at you. We understand that adulting is tough and we all need reminders sometimes. Please know that feeling like you want to go home when you just got to the office is normal. And when your brain doesn’t want you to sleep, that’s normal too. Those are proofs you’re doing adulting just right.

8 Cheering Up A Social Butterfly

Along the way, it’s pretty inevitable that we meet really stupid people. Those who treat us like good friends but decide not to invite us to their birthday party. It’s annoying and it feels like everybody in this tiny blue earth is made of plastic. Or maybe paper (like paper dolls). But don’t worry, this George Martin tweet will remind you even big people get forgotten too sometimes. They also get betrayed and they also experience the awfulness of not being invited to parties and weddings and funerals. To all social butterflies out there, we understand that while 2016 felt like a blast, y’all are still anxious about being not invited to events. When it happens, please know that you can use Twitter to vent. We’ll be here. Waiting for your tweets. We’ll retweet them too. Let’s make it a point that nobody can treat us so badly this year. And the following years. Because we’re all amazing ladies here. We should be respected. Yep. That’s right.

7 The Fine Line Between Horror And Humor

See that little girl on the right? The one who is crying? That is all our faces when we realize it's time for another year. Not that we don’t want it to be 2017 but to be honest, it feels more like horror than humor. Come to think of it, it’s going to be another year of Kardashian drama all over the Internet (which means there’s no running away from it), and Trump is the new President, and concert tickets will be more and more expensive. True horror, indeed. And that face on the left, that’s going to be the face you’ll make whenever someone tries to do something stupid which he thinks is funny and assumes he can take over the internet. We saw tons of those crazy acts last year. So many people think they’re being funny when they’re being the total opposite. Ouch. Please internet, be kind.

6 All About Interior Design

It is predicted that 2017 will be a great year to redecorate your house. Okay, so every year is a great year to redecorate your house because Feng Shui has so many rules. We understand how difficult it is to find new fixtures. Most of them have Swedish instructions and, hello, not everyone speaks Swedish! So this tweet is a must. It’s brutally honest and it solves all our problems. Now we know what to do when we have empty shelves. And when we’re in need of shelves, we know where to go. Some stores display shelves with vases and frames and yeah, those can be inspiring. But nothing can be inspiring than a showroom with shelves filled with video games. In case you’re confused, video games are required to survive this year. This is not a video game addiction. This is surviving yet another year and doing everything in your power to make it to 2018 whole and sane.

5 Thinking About A New You

Raise your hand if you told yourself 2017 is going to be the year of a NEW YOU and healthier living! You’re not alone, lady. From my point of view, I’m seeing lots of hands in the air. Mine included. We all tell ourselves each year that we’ll try to be healthier. Sometimes we say it more than 30 times a year. We try a new diet regime and then after five days, we’re back to pizza and fast food and burritos. Please know that changing lifestyle is not as easy as TV says. Feel free to have this tweet printed and framed on your wall. Because this can’t be more relatable. We’re not saying you’re brutally fat. Nope. We’re saying we all feel tired sometimes. Maybe it’s the chips. Maybe it’s the boring job. But yes, life can be tiring. Someone needs to tell this TV announcer to shut up. 2017 is all about ice cream and chips, y’all.

4 When You've Forgotten What Love Is

We’re not saying love is brutal, but we need to prepare for the worst times this year. Worst times including matters of the heart. Whether you admit it or not, 2016 was a roller coaster year for many lovebirds, maybe including you. So, it’s wise to start this year with a reminder that one more month or one more year (in the case of the Obamas, four more years) matter a lot. Especially if it’s not just love for someone special but also love for your pet hamster or love for yourself or love for your country. With Trump as POTUS, we need to tell this to each other because we're staring at four more years of total misogyny. We’re not going to let that happen. We love our country so much to let our kids experience the gloom of misogyny. So yes, keep the brutal decisions coming, we have this tweet that will help us along the way. And we got love.

3 Hopeless Days

Last year was one hell of a year. And it feels like this year is going to be tougher. So when you feel like there’s no hope left, be reminded of this fox who is so hopeful to find snow underneath these sheets. Seriously, though, just think about it: how many times has the internet let you down last year? How many times did your weatherman let you down last year? We’ve all faced failure and we’ve all met people (and things) that never fail to suck out the hope and faith in us. Until we have none. Well, not going to happen this year. We got this adorable fox gif to remind us that laughter is still well and alive. And there’s always enough hope in us. Just remember that tomorrow isn’t always going to be 2017. You’ll wake up one day and it’ll be 2018. Maybe it’s going to be better! We can always hope, right?

2 Another Year Of Family Gatherings

Now just to be clear, we don’t hate our families. We just hate the fact that most family gatherings fail. Because there’s too much wine or too little food or too much comparing. It sucks to be compared to the most amazing family member who has succeeded in everything she does. We all deal with this. Maybe it's your cousin or aunt or your own brother or sister, but everyone is always compared to someone else in the family tree and it sucks. Most gatherings make us want to cut that tree and make a bonfire instead. But this year, it’s going to be different, because we found this handy tip, thanks to Twitter. Now we know how to make the most of family gatherings. Now we won’t hate holidays anymore (a.k.a. the only time of the year relatives visit us.) If you’re not sure if this works or not, try it. We’d love to hear your experience with this technique.

1 Everything Is Super Expensive

As we mentioned, concert ticket prices are expected to go up. As always, right?! Maybe Starbucks will have new drinks that are expensive. Maybe Apple will launch yet another insanely expensive laptop. But you know what’s the most expensive thing on this planet? Nope, not diamonds. That would be life in general. Just imagine how many low-paying jobs there are and how expensive everything else is. Geez, do we always have to wait for sales before we can buy that one new pair of jeans we’ll be wearing this entire year? Do we need to shop online more instead of real shopping malls because there are much more affordable stuff online? And to think these expensive things, like any other thing of its kind, gets broken too. Show us a laptop that doesn’t break. And no, we’re not saying you’re clumsy. We’re just stating facts that life is incredibly expensive and sometimes, we need to hear it out loud. Welcome to 2017, ladies!

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